This project was created for the Encode Solidity Bootcamp as the final project. The T7E Casino Game allows players to flip a coin and potentially win ETH. To play the game, users must first purchase T7E (Team 7 Early) ERC20 tokens using ETH.
The backend of the game is implemented as a smart contract, which can be found in a separate repository. The smart contract has been deployed on the Mumbai Testnet. The frontend is built using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Three.js. Rainbow-Kit is used for the wallet functionality, and ethers.js is used to connect to the smart contract.
To play the game, users must first purchase T7E ERC20 tokens using ETH. Once they have the tokens, they can start playing the game and potentially win ETH.
Run the following commands to start the frontend.
npm install
npm run build
npm run dev