DS1302 RTC Driver for esp-idf
I ported from here.
git clone https://github.com/nopnop2002/esp-idf-ds1302
cd esp-idf-ds1302
idf.py menuconfig
idf.py flash
DS1302 | ESP32 | |
CLK | -- | GPIO15(*1) |
DAT | -- | GPIO16(*1) |
RST | -- | GPIO17(*1) |
GND | -- | GND |
VCC | -- | 3.3V |
(*1) You can change using menuconfig.
This mode set RTC initial value using NTP time Server.
You have to set these config value using menuconfig.
You have to set gpio & NTP Server using menuconfig.
This mode take out the time from a RTC clock.
You have to change mode using menuconfig.
This mode get time over NTP, and take out the time from a RTC clock.
Calculate time difference of NTP and RTC.
You have to change mode using menuconfig.
This module has a large time lag.
I recommend the DS3231 RTC.