With EssensGetter you can easily look up what food is served in the canteen of the Berufsakademie Leipzig. Currently, this service is only available for the canteen "Mensa Schönauer Straße". This python programm allows you to call the data via HTML Request and converts it to usable data. After that it sends an email with the data to the user.
The data is provided by the Studentenwerk Leipzig. You can directly access the data here and choose the canteen "Mensa Schönauer Straße".
- Open the terminal
- Go to the directory of the script
- install the library "requests-html" ->
pip install requests-html
- Create a new file called "receivers.txt" and put the names and email addresses of the recipients in it.
- Note that you have to enter the name first and then the email address
- Name and email address have to be in a seperated line
- Don't leave whitespaces between the lines
- For example:
Emil emil@email.com Paul paul@email.com Laura laura@email.com ....
- To send Emails via your own SMTP-Server you have to enter your credentials
- therefore create a new file called "credentials.txt" and put your credentials in it.
- the smtp-server, smtp-port, and email has to be hardcoded
- Run the script with "python3 essensGetter.py"
Note: You can execute the script via Linux cronjobs to automate the process
If your are forcing any kind of error, take a look at the log file "essensGetter.log"
The AdminTool is a Vaadin Application. It allows you to manage the data of the service. You can add recievers, delete recievers, and send emails to the recievers (maintenance or something else). It also allows you to unable the service for vacations.