English | 简体中文
- 「update」
omni release
tag choice won't need set npm registry address first
- 「chore」
omni release
rc tag name
- 「fix」
omni build
rollup ESM build params
- 「fix」
omni build
rollup multiple entry bug
- 「update」
omni dev
webpack config support function format
- 「update」
omni release
cannot change version whennpm
field not set
- 「update」
omni build
rollup config
- 「fix」
omni dev
dumi dev command
- 「fix」
omni build
vue file not generate declaration file - 「fix」
omni build
ext transfer to.js
- 「update」
omni build
ts-patch replace ttypescript
- 「update」
omni build
gulp exclude*.{demo,test,stories}.{vue,ts,tsx,js,jsx}
file build
- 「feat」
omni new
specify template's version
- 「feat」
omni init
specify template's version
- 「chore」
omni init
add init command log
- 「update」
omni dev
storybook dev command change
- 「update」
omni build
gulp-sass require sass manually
- 「update」
omni init
add deprecated and recommend hints
- 「chore」upgrade express and node-sass
- 「fix」
omni start
remove laster version tip to avoid network block
- 「optimization」node process exception signal listener
「feat」middleware support http methods
「chore」upgrade @omni-door/utils
- 「fix」
server middleware
support -
- 「update」
server support handle KoaApp throughhandleKoaApp
- 「fix」
omni start
miss middleware and https parameters
- 「update」
omni init
ssr-react remove style option
omni init
andomni release
REPL improvement -
「upgrade」upgrade @omni-door/utils
「feat」React@18 support
- 「upgrade」inquirer | mkcert
- 「fix」
omni build
not supportspa-react-pc
- 「fix」
omni new
andomni build
not supportspa-react-pc
- 「feat」support
- 「optimization」
omni build
andomni release
log output improved.
- 「update」upgrade shelljs to resolve circular dependency warning
omni build
.vue file extension conversion when package with gulp -
omni build
dependencies_build version upgrade -
omni release
force tolatest
when extract from version
- 「optimization」
omni build
gulp-package custom configuration expose full items
- 「optimization」
omni build
gulp-package support custom configuration
- 「fix」
omni build
gulp-package replace vue-SFC file path
- 「optimization」
omni build
package with gulp will compile the vue-SFC file
omni build
gulp-package support vue SFC -
omni new
support SFC and Render-Function for component-vue project
- 「feat」
omni build
gulp-package support css path concat and replace css-minifier
- 「update」
omni release
put plugin process before git and npm process
omni release
tag and plugin handler -
「upgrade」upgrade @omni-door/utils
- 「optimization」
omni init
check the node version whether>=12
when choose the docz for the demo-frame at component-react project
omni new
name hint -
omni dev
open browser after detect the port is occupied
- 「optimization」
omni release
git process will check status first
- 「update」
omni dev
open browser delay
- 「optimization」
omni release
npm publish support OTP
- 「optimization」
omni build
pass params to the rollup custom config
- 「fix」
omni init
the work path for overwrite
「optimization」 the hint for upgrade cli
- 「fix」 regular expression for version match
「optimization」 log output
omni build
cannot delete the file or dir which outside the current working directory
- 「optimization」 log output
- 「optimization」 log output
- 「optimization」
omni release
iteration optimize
- 「fix」
omni build
the typescript-plugin will affect the rollup build result
- 「fix」
omni release
the auto-iteration tag problem
- 「optimization」
omni release
the optimization that auto-iteration strategy order
omni init
unit-test default-none-selected when the project isspa-vue
omni release
auto-iteration optimization
- 「optimization」
omni init
mid version
- 「feat」support
omni init
、omni new
add cli latest version update-notification -
「upgrade」upgrade @omni-door/utils and replace APIs
- 「fix」
omni dev
the dev-server crash because favicon.icon not exist
- 「upgrade」upgrade @omni-door/utils
- 「fix」
omni dev
change thehttp-proxy-middleware
's API
- 「fix」
omni init
cannot init toolkit project
- 「fix」
omni dev
the spa project dev-server wildcard route
omni init
,omni new
make sure then cli's version and templates' version consistence -
omni init
install package manage tool exception handles
omni init
add package management checking when in REPL style -
omni init
correct display content when not select any stylesheet
- 「optimization」npm-package latest version checking not block the program
- 「fix」
omni init
value need transform
- 「feat」
omni init
spa-react project supportlayout
「feat」spa-react project support webpack5
「feat」spa-react project dev-server support custom favicon
- 「feat」
omni init
the template pkj-tool default use pnpm
- 「fix」
omni init
the package name verify problem
omni init
install tool add pnpm option and remove cnpm -
omni init
add package name verify -
「feat」add latest cli recommand hint
「feat」add wrong command intention infer
- 「fix」
omni release
auto build missing some parameters.
- 「feat」
omni release
support auto build(autoBuild).
- 「fix」
omni build
toolkit project destructure property 'undefined' or 'null' error.
- 「update」
omni build
filter out the ingored folders when build the toolkit project
- 「update」
omni build
upgrade the rollup-config which has been used for toolkit project
- 「fix」
omni release
manual iterate version cannot match correct
omni build
default support alias when use the tsc or gulp to build project -
omni build
auto install build dependecies unsatisfied
- 「fix」
omni build
the bug of component-project gulp configuration file
- 「fix」
omni build
the component-project exsit both scss and less file not compatible
- 「optimization」
omni init
template version will auto match the cli version
- 「optimization」
omni init/release
log output
- 「optimization」
omni *(commands)
log output
- 「fix」
omni release
the cache problem which cause the current version is incorrect
omni release
customize the version in the command line, and the priority of auto set thetag
. For example, in the package.json the version is0.0.19
and then use the command line to iterateomni release -m 0.0.20-alpha.1
. At this time, it should automatically determined thattag
instead oflatest
「optimization」log opt for
omni release
publish to npm-repo
- 「optimization」<omni.config.js>
field which can automatically set tag according to the current version when it be setted totrue
- 「optimization」
omni release
custom version number will automatically determine then default tag
omni release
custom version number will invaild due to RegExp matching bug -
omni release
default tag now is taken from the letter suffix of the current version
- 「fix」
omni build
rollup.config.js namedExports completion react and react-dom's API
- 「fix」
omni start
refer to dependencies bug
- 「fix」
omni dev
wrong judgement with react-ssr project
- 「feat」
omni *
all commands is support-P <path>
option which be used for specify workpath
- 「update」[newTpl、initial] support
「fix」fix express typescript problem, more detail in this issue
「docs」CHANGELOG optimization
- 「fix」
omni dev
fix ssr-react project cannot start bug
omni init
support ssr-react project -
omni init
optimize -
omni start
- 「optimization」
omni init
fixed template version
- 「feat」
omni init
support tplPkjTag option
omni release
: the optimization for require package.json module -
「chore」upgrade @omni-door/utils
「chore」fixed dependencies version
omni build
: typescript had been forbidden situation tackle
- 「feat」
omni dev
protocol for dev-server
- 「update」
omni dev
The default dev-server host change to0.0.0.0
- 「update」
omni build
The reserve.assets field type change to:(string | { srcPath: string; relativePath?: string; })[]
omni release
text adjustment -
omni build
gulp-build optimization
- 「fix」upgrade @omni-door/utils to resolve logTime prefix bug
- 「feat」
omni release
add -a/--automatic options and support REPL(read-eval-print loop)
omni dev
storybook dev server start add --quiet option -
omni dev
support custom host
- 「chore」
omni dev
integration toolkit and component-library project dev server
- 「chore」
omni build
fixed gulp-build cwd path and support component-libaray total output css
omni build
support gulp to build component-libaray project -
「chore」upgrade @omni-door/utils
omni new [name]
- name maybe undefined
omni dev -p <port>
- port change to required option -
omni new [name] [option]
- name change to optional and support REPL(read-eval-print loop)
「fix」the project package.json maybe non-exist situation
omni init
support pkjFieldName field
- 「feat」
omni build
support pkjFieldName field
「chore」upgrade @omni-door/utils
「feat」support omni field in package.json which can specify config-path(omni.config.js)
omni new
add check for module name:-
module name must greater-or-equal 2;
the first character can only be underscore or upper/lower case letter;
subsequent characters can only be numberm, underscore, upper and lower case letter!
- 「feat」[initial] support custom
- 「fix」
omni release
delete cache to avoid version incorrect
- 「fix」the process not exit when build/release have been finished
- 「fix」
omni release
fix the version cannot iterate when run in linux env
- 「feat」
omni dev
proxy support passfunction
omni dev
middleware support passfunction
type -
「chore」upgrade @omni-door/utils
- 「update」<omni.config.js>
field adddevMiddlewareOptions
property which match towebpack-dev-middleware
- 「chore」dependency upgrade commander@5.1.0
- 「fix」remove commandar auto output help information
「chore」dependency upgrade commander@4.1.0
omni init
increase the weight of parametertplPkjParams
- 「fix」the dependencies fixed version
「fix」detection duplicate directory bug
omni init
name duplicate support retry up to 10 times
- 「feat」
omni init
add detection and confirmation prompt for duplicate directory when initialization
- 「fix」initialization will not ask install tool when choose no-install
- 「feat」
omni init
add without install any dependencies when init project
「chore」upgrade @omni-door/utils
「feat」plugin-new callback arguments add
field -
「feat」plugin-build callback arguments add
field -
「feat」plugin-release callback arguments add
- 「fix」the logo doesn't replace correctly
omni new
remove the logic which automatic transform to uppercase for the component-name's fist letter -
omni build
tookit package template modify -
omni release
fix the commitlint omit verify arguments bug
「chore」upgrade @omni-door/utils
「chore」remove redundant
in the error-log output -
event to monitor exit -
omni dev/build
fix therequire
cannot obtain cwd path problem
「update」optimization exception
「chore」@omni-door/utils is replace to @omni-door/tpl-utils
「feat」(omni dev) apply create-react-app Re-use current tab
omni build/release
support prettier preflight check -
omni build
checking exist about the specify config file -
omni init
component-react project add styleguidist demo-framework
omni build
stopping loading state when catch error -
omni init
integrate prettier
omni build
support specify the path of config file -
omni build
the checking of output-result bug fixed
omni build
support "hash", "chunkhash" and "contenthash" -
「update」upgrade the @omni-door/tpl-utils dependency
「feat」[initial] before and after support asynchronous execution
「feat」[newTpl] support before and after callbacks
omni dev
add Signals listener -
「update」upgrade the @omni-door/tpl-utils dependency
omni dev
fix the history API incorrect router problem
- 「update」add
arguments for plugin and update the type defination
omni release
The exception handle logic change -
omni release
Explicit sticking npm registry address -
omni release
Publish to git repositor without modify remote origin -
omni release
Adding tag option -
「update」Adding try/catch handle when exec plugin
「feat」[initial] support
option -
omni build
remove auto-release time log
- 「fix」
omni release
version-check bug fixed
omni release
branch-check and npm-publish log prefix fixed -
「fix」upgrade @omni-door/tpl-utils dependency
「docs」(omni release) Chinese Translation
「update」upgrade @omni-door/tpl-utils dependency
omni initial/build/release
add time log
omni build
add not found the entry file hint when process rollup-build -
「feat」[newTpl initial] support
option -
omni new
restore plugin
- 「update」split templates
- 「update」naming conventions
「update」<omni.config.js> fix webpack configuration file cannot get correct value due to circular references problem
「update」<webpack.config.prod.js> add html-webpack-plugin
「update」<webpack.config.dev.js> migrate into css, less and scss stylesheet procession
「update」<omni.config.js> add hash field for control whether add to hash-tag to building result
「docs」add omni.config.js detail docs
- 「update」<package.json> fix the call-stack will be lost when the function convert to string which will cause the variable become undefined
「update」<package.json> add resolutions field, resolve (Duplicate identifier 'LibraryManagedAttributes')[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52399839/duplicate-identifier-librarymanagedattributes] problem
onmi init
strategy-stable update dependencies version -
onmi init
component-react and toolkit set unit-test by default
「fix」[node-version-check] fix the version check bug
「feat」(onmi init) dynamic update the total-step of initial project
「fix」(onmi build) fix miss of error log problem
「fix」(onmi release) fix miss of error log problem
「update」<package.json> add stylelint check paramter {--allow-empty-input}
「update」<package.json> add jest test paramter {--passWithNoTests}
「update」<tsconfig.json> remove annotation of allowJs and experimentalDecorators, updating {exclude} field
「update」<webpack.config.prod.js> add webpack-bundle-analyzer plugin
「update」<.npmignore> generate by project-type
onmi init
support multiple select stylesheet
omni init
fix incorrect display of custom logo -
omni init
support remove origin dependencies
「update」<tsconfig.json> template add project_type judgement
「update」<omni.config.js> annotation change
「update」<webpack.config.prod.js> optimize production environment packing
「update」[dev-server] add run-time try/exception
omni new
fix cannot identify options bug
- 「feat」pre-check node version,demand node >= 10.13.0
「update」<omni.config.js>, add
field -
「update」<omni.config.js>, add
field -
change todev.webpack
「feat」[dev-server] start process optimization
omni init
changeomni init -s
andomni init --simple
toomni init -b
andomni init --basic
- 「optimization」
omni build
auto-release optimization, get rid of relying on NPM script and call release method directly
- 「feat」toolkit-project support tsc build
- 「chore」optimized log output
- 「feat」add
omni dev
command that support the development server which powered by Express and webpack-dev-server
- available version, please upgrade the latest version
- available version, please upgrade the latest version
- informal version, please upgrade the latest version
The Meaning of Tags:
「xxx」 - type
<xxx> - template
[xxx] - behavior or feature or function