The CLI Tool for set up standard frontend project.
English | ็ฎไฝไธญๆ
The latest LTS version of Node.js is recommended, or at least ensure node >= 10.13.0
Several options to get up and running:
Clone the repo:
Install with npm:
npm install @omni-door/cli -g
Install with Yarn:
yarn global add @omni-door/cli
Initial project with npx:
npx @omni-door/cli init
Usage: index [command] [options]
-v, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
init [options] [strategy] initialize your project, [strategy] could be stable(default) or latest
dev [options] omni dev [-p <port>] [-H <host>] [-P <path>]
start [options] omni start [-p <port>] [-H <host>] [-P <path>]
new [options] [name] omni new [name] [-f | -c] [-P <path>]
build [options] build your project according to the [omni.config.js]'s build field
release [options] publish your project according to the [omni.config.js]'s release field
omni init
omni init lastest
omni init -n
omni init -t [projectName]
omni init --react_entire [projectName]
Usage: omni init [strategy] [options]
initialize your project, [strategy] could be stable(default) or latest
strategy stable or latest
-rb, --react_basic [name] create a basic React SPA project
-rs, --react_standard [name] create a standard React SPA project
-re, --react_entire [name] create a most versatile React SPA project
-rp, --react_pc [name] create a React SPA project based on Antd
-vb, --vue_basic [name] create a basic Vue SPA project
-vs, --vue_standard [name] create a standard Vue SPA project
-ve, --vue_entire [name] create a most versatile Vue SPA project
-rS, --react_ssr [name] create a React component library
-rc, --react_components [name] create a React component library
-vc, --vue_components [name] create a Vue component library
-t, --toolkit [name] create a toolkit project
-n, --no-install init project without install dependencies
-P, --path <path> the workpath for init the project
-h, --help output usage information
Usage: omni dev [options]
omni dev [-p <port>] [-H <host>] [-P <path>]
-p, --port <port> start the dev-server according to the specified port
-H, --hostname <host> start the dev-server according to the specified hostname
-P, --path <path> the workpath for start the dev-server
-h, --help output usage information
Usage: omni start [options]
omni start [-p <port>] [-H <host>] [-P <path>]
-p, --port <port> start the prod-server according to the specified port
-H, --hostname <host> start the prod-server according to the specified hostname
-P, --path <path> the workpath for start the prod-server
-h, --help output usage information
Usage: omni new [name] [options]
omni new [name] [-f | -c] [-P <path>]
name optional! The name of component.
-f, --function create a React-Function-Component
-c, --class create a React-Class-Component
-r, --render create a Vue-Render-Function
-s, --single create a Vue-Single-File-Component
-P, --path <path> the workpath for create component
-h, --help display help for command
Usage: omni build [options]
build your project according to the [omni.config.js]'s build field
-c, --config <path> specify the path of config file
-n, --no-verify bypass all pre-check before building
-P, --path <path> the workpath for build project
-h, --help output usage information
Usage: omni release [options]
publish your project according to the [omni.config.js]'s release field
-a, --automatic automatic iteration version
-i, --ignore ignore automatic iteration version
-m, --manual <version> manual iteration version
-t, --tag <tag> the tag will add to npm-package
-n, --no-verify bypass unit-test eslint and stylelint check
-P, --path <path> the workpath for release project
-h, --help output usage information
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Copyright (c) 2019
Released under the MIT License