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Welcome to openEuler Community.
The Community repo is to store all the information about openEuler Community, including governance, how to contribute, SIGs(project teams), communications and etc.
When openEuler community is updated, the information should be updated as well here. If you would like to help update the information in this repo, you are very appreciated.
Please read How to contribute to get detailed guidance.
TC members have the rights over the following folders
Blog team have the rights over openEuler Blog
- Xing Zhu (@shredstar), since February, 2020
- Perl(@pearl405), since February, 2020
- ZhengyuhangHans(@ZhengyuhangHans), since February, 2020
- Fred Li(@zerodefect), since December, 2019
- 杨丽(@yangli69393), since December, 2019
- blueskycs2c(@blueskycs2c), since March, 2020
- freesky-edward(@freesky-edward), since August, 2019
- xiangxinyong(@xiangxinyong), since August, 2019
- blueskycs2c(@blueskycs2c), since February, 2020
- Ivye(@Ivye), since March, 2020
Mail: community@openeuler.org
IRC: #openeuler-community
Find meeting schedule here.