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This is the official repository of paper 'ClearPose: Large-scale Transparent Object Dataset and Benchmark' in ECCV 2022. (ArXiv, Video)


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ClearPose dataset is captured using RealSense L515 camera in indoor environments over 63 transparent objects. It contains RGB, raw depth, ground truth depth (generated by overlapping rendered objects' depth over raw depth), ground truth surface normal (calculated from ground truth depth) images, and all the object instance 6D poses. The data annotation is accomplished with the tool ProgressLabeler, which includes ORB-SLAM3 to solve camera trajectory, a Blender interface for object poses, and backend renderer to generate data. The objects' geometry models are manually created in Blender and verified during the annotation process. We also include models of opaque objects (from YCB and HOPE datasets) appeared in some scenes. The object names are defined as shown in the image below (also provided in the blender scene file in object model zip folder).

ClearPose is separated into 9 sets. Set1 includes chemical transparent objects only, Set2-7 include household objects only, and Set8-9 also include other adversarial factors. Among Set2-7, Set2 and Set3 includes almost twice the objects as Set4-7, appeared to have heavy clutters. Objects in Set2 are divided into Set4 and Set5, and objects in Set3 are divided into Set6 and Set7.

Each set includes 5-6 scenes. For Set1-7, the difference is only on backgrounds of transparent objects. We used one scene as validation/testing set and others as training set. For Set8 and Set9, we include 4 types of adversarial conditions, each with 3 scenes (for Set8 we have scene1-6, for Set9 we have scene7-12):

With opaque distractor objects: Set8_scene1-3;
With colored liquid inside containers: Set8_scene6, Set9_scene9,10;
Non-planar cases (Set1-7 are all captured on flat tabletop): Set8_scene5, Set9_scene11,12;
With a translucent box cover: Set8_scene4, Set9_scene7,8.

The folder structure is as follows:

|-- set1
    |-- scene1
        |-- metadata.mat            # 
        |-- 000000-color.png        # RGB image
        |-- 000000-depth.png        # Raw depth image
        |-- 000000-depth_true.png   # Ground truth depth image
        |-- 000000-label.png        #
        |-- 000000-normal_true.png  #
|-- model
    |-- <object1>
        |-- <object1>.obj
    |-- <object2>
        |-- <object2>.obj

The metadata.mat file contains the annotations for each scene. For every single frame in the scene, it includes the following data:

cls_indexes: object ID, n*1 matrix (n = number of visible objects)
camera_intrinsics: [[fx, 0, cx], [0, fy, cy], [0, 0, 1]], 3*3 matrix
rotation_translation_matrix: camera pose matrix [R|t], 3*4 matrix
center: n*2
factor_depth: 1000
bbox: n*4
poses: 3*4*n object pose matrix as [Rotation matrix|translation vector]

Benchmark experiments

We benchmarked two vision tasks, single image depth completion and object pose estimation, using end-to-end deep networks trained on the ClearPose dataset. For depth completion, we benchmarked ImplicitDepth and TransCG. For object pose estimation, we benchmarked Xu et al. (this method is not open-source and we implemented it based on the original paper) and FFB6D. FFB6D is an RGB-D based pose estimation method, and we compare its performance with raw, completed depth from TransCG, and ground truth depth.

As different deep networks might have different working python environments, we separate them to different branches. For each of them, most of network training and inference source code is the same as their original repository, while we added customized dataloader and evaluation code for our dataset. To reproduce and develop based on our code, please refer to README in specific branches.

Training/Test Dataset Split in paper

training set:

set1: scene1-4, set4-7: scene1-5

test set:

heavy occlusion: set2, set3: all scenes
new background: set1: scene5, set4-7: scene6
with opaque objects: set8: scene1,2,3
translucent cover: set8: scene4, set9: scene7,8
non planar: set8: scene5, set9: scene11,12
filled with liquid: set8: scene6, set9: scene9,10


If you find this project relevant for your work, please consider citing the paper.

  title={ClearPose: Large-scale Transparent Object Dataset and Benchmark},
  author={Chen, Xiaotong and Zhang, Huijie and Yu, Zeren and Opipari, Anthony and Jenkins, Odest Chadwicke},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},

Frequently Asked question

  1. Materials for objects

    object material table
    object name material
    beaker_1 glass
    dropper_1 plastic
    dropper_2 plastic
    flask_1 glass
    funnel_1 plastic
    graduated_cylinder_1 glass
    graduated_cylinder_2 plastic
    pan_1 plastic
    pan_2 plastic
    pan_3 glass
    reagent_bottle_1 glass
    reagent_bottle_2 plastic
    stick_1 glass
    syringe_1 plastic
    bottle_1 glass
    bottle_2 glass
    bottle_3 glass
    bottle_4 glass
    bottle_5 glass
    bowl_1 glass
    bowl_2 glass
    bowl_3 glass
    bowl_4 glass
    bowl_5 glass
    bowl_6 glass
    container_1 glass
    container_2 glass
    container_3 glass
    container_4 glass
    container_5 glass
    fork_1 plastic
    knife_1 plastic
    knife_2 plastic
    mug_1 glass
    mug_2 glass
    pitcher_1 plastic
    plate_1 glass
    plate_2 glass
    spoon_1 plastic
    spoon_2 plastic
    water_cup_1 glass
    water_cup_3 plastic
    water_cup_4 glass
    water_cup_5 glass
    water_cup_6 glass
    water_cup_7 glass
    water_cup_8 glass
    water_cup_9 glass
    water_cup_10 glass
    water_cup_11 glass
    water_cup_12 glass
    water_cup_13 plastic
    water_cup_14 plastic
    wine_cup_1 glass
    wine_cup_2 glass
    wine_cup_3 glass
    wine_cup_4 glass
    wine_cup_5 glass
    wine_cup_6 glass
    wine_cup_7 plastic
    wine_cup_8 plastic
    wine_cup_9 glass


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