Setup Company Web. Instructions are published at:
Install Mysql.
> brew install mysql
Create root user and set password as "root" in Mysql.
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'root';
- Sometimes you might face a client authentication error in Mysql. Run the following command to mitigate the issue:
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'root';
- Sometimes you might face a client authentication error in Mysql. Run the following command to mitigate the issue:
Install Redis.
> brew install redis
Install Memcached.
> brew install memcached
- Start Redis.
> sudo redis-server --port 6379 --requirepass 'st123'
- Start MySQL.
> mysql.server start
- Start Memcached.
> memcached -p 11211 -d
- Run migration or install new packages.
> cd company-api
> source set_env_vars.sh
> bundle install
> rake db:create:all
> rake db:migrate
- Start SideKiq.
> cd company-api
> source set_env_vars.sh
> sidekiq -C ./config/sidekiq.yml -q sk_api_high_task -q sk_api_med_task -q sk_api_default
Sometimes you might face an issue stating that sidekiq.pid file is not found.
- In that case, remove the following line from config/sidekiq.yml:
:pidfile: ./tmp/pids/sidekiq.yml
- Start sidekiq.
Populate "whitelisted_domains" table in Mysql with appropriate entries. Delete entire cache after this step.
Start server in new terminal.
> cd company-api
> source set_env_vars.sh
> rails s -p 4001
- Set Cron Jobs (NOTE: set set_env_vars.sh in .bash_profile for crons to run independently.)
# Every one minute
> rake RAILS_ENV=development cron_task:continuous:process_email_service_api_call_hooks lock_key_suffix=1