pandoradep is a python tool for easy deployment of PANDORA packages
Via PyPI:
sudo pip install pandoradep
Or clone the code and install it, running:
python install
Start working on a repo with
pandoradep get pandora_vision
This will download the pandora_vision
repo with all its dependencies.
Fetching dependencies in a workspace
pandoradep fetch
This will scan and fetch all the dependencies from the current directory.
You can also use pandoradep to create rosinstall files.
Init wstool
in your workspace:
wstool init .
Scan and write the dependencies to a rosinstall
pandoradep scan repo_root_directory > some_file.rosinstall
Install the dependencies, by running:
wstool merge some_file.rosinstall wstool update
You can find more info about wstool
and rosinstall
files here.