This project is a Proof of Concept (POC) for an elevator system designed for a building with 10 floors (including the ground floor) and 5 elevators. The system includes features for calling elevators, managing elevator movement, and handling elevator arrival.
Building Setup:
- The building consists of 10 floors, including the ground floor.
- There are 5 elevators in the building.
Elevator Call System:
- Each floor has a green button that allows users to call an elevator.
Calling an Elevator:
- When an elevator is called, the "call" button changes to red and the text updates to "waiting".
- The system identifies the closest available elevator and sends it to the calling floor.
- The system can handle scenarios where all elevators are occupied and ensures no calls are missed, possibly using a queue.
Elevator Movement:
- The elevator should move smoothly towards the selected floor.
- The system measures the time it takes for the elevator to reach the designated floor.
- Once the elevator is moving, it changes color to red.
- Elevator Reached the Floor:
- A sound plays when the elevator reaches the floor.
- The elevator color changes to green upon arrival.
- The system waits for 2 seconds before processing the next call (if any).
- The button text changes to "arrived," and the button design updates according to the specified design.
- After 2 seconds, the elevator color changes back to black, and the button resets to "call" with the initial design.
- Design: A clear design infrastructure should be implemented using CSS or SCSS.
To use this project, clone the repository and open the entry point file in your browser. Customize the design and functionality as needed.
- Name: Pratik Shah
- LinkedIn: Pratik Shah
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License.