This setup works on all operating systems and will automatically delete old movies. Additionally you can set a whitelist file or generate this whitelist file from plex playlists.
Run the scripts every day automatically with the system of your choosing. eg.: cron (linux) or task scheduler (windows).
- Install java
- Download MovieCleanup.jar from
- Create an empty file as your whitelist file.
- Run with
java -jar MovieCleanup.jar <whitelist_file> <clean_directory> <max_dirs> <del|safe>
java -jar MovieCleanup.jar /volume/whitelistfile /volume/movies/ 100 safe
This script will automatically delete files/directories if you have more than the defined number in your clean_directory path. It preferes files/directories which has the oldest 'created date'. 'Modified date' will be taken if your file system does not support 'created date'.
The safe flag in the end performs a safe run. This means it will not delete any data but instead only prints out what it would delete. Use the del flag for deletion.
java -jar MovieCleanup.jar /volume/whitelistfile /volume/movies/ 100 del
One movie per line. One line should look like this: /volume/movies/My Movie (2018)/
The parent directory, in this case 'My Movie (2018)', will be compared.
- Install python
- Install pip
- Run with
pip install plexapi
- Download
- Get plex token:
- Run with
python <plex_token> <plex_server> <target_file>
python "asdeuz23SDacvsgh" "" /volume/whitelistfile
I recomment to run the whitelist_file generation shortly before the delete script.
I still want to cleanup my movies if plex connection fails.