Skelly is a Slack bot for automatically reacting to user typing, written in Go
To configure Skelly, all you need to do is
- Invite Skelly to your Slack channel
/invite @skelly
- Add a reaction in Slack through Skelly's slash commands
/skelly help
/skelly add @slack-admins
- Start typing!
If you want your response to include nice links, use the following syntax:
<|This message is a link>
For a list of useful commands, try
/skelly help
Command | Input | Effect |
/skelly help | NONE | prints helpful information |
/skelly add | NONE | opens the modal for adding a typing reaction in that channel |
/skelly add | NONE | adds a typing reaction in that channel for all users |
/skelly update | NONE | opens the modal for updating a typing reaction |
/skelly delete | NONE | opens the modal for deleting a typing reaction |
/skelly list | NONE` | lists all typing reactions that exist in that channel |
To run the bot locally, simply configure the environment and use the Makefile
Interact with Skelly using the built-in CLI to make developing locally easier.
$ make build
$ ./release/skelly --help
$ ./release/skelly reaction add --channel <CHANNEL_ID> --response "Hello!"
$ ./release/skelly reaction trigger --channel <CHANNEL_ID> --user <USER_ID>
Store the required configurations in either your environment or an .env
Variable | Source |
SKELLY_BOT_TOKEN | Slack bot token |
SKELLY_VERIFICATION_TOKEN | Slack verification token |
SKELLY_SIGNING_SECRET | Slack signing secret |
SKELLY_MONGO_DB | Mongo DB database name |
Use the Makefile
to build and run the binary or the Docker image
# clone and navigate to skelly
$ git clone
$ cd skelly
# build the skelly binary and run the server
$ make up
Trigger the bot with You can also simulate all of Skelly's bot functionality using the Skelly CLI
# build the skelly binary
$ make build
# move the binary to bin
$ cp release/skelly /usr/local/bin/
# run the application
$ skelly --help
# add a reaction
$ skelly reaction view --channel C016DRZPLBC
# list reactions
$ skelly reaction list --channel C016DRZPLBC