Hello! Call me Satorn. I'm a Web Developer!
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Returns general information about the API and the developer.
"data": [
"APIs info": [
"name": "TalesRunner API",
"description": "This is an API for TalesRunner",
"version": "0.1.0",
"Docs": "https://satorn.vercel.app/docs"
"Developer info": [
"author": "Satorn Sukkang",
"email": "pondforbusiness@gmail.com",
"github": "https://github.com/pondsan1412",
"facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/pondcomp",
"website": "https://satorn.vercel.app"
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves information about characters. Supports filtering by various fields.
Query Parameters:
(optional): The ID of the character.name
(optional): The name of the character.original_name
(optional): The original name of the character.age
(optional): The age of the character.type
(optional): The type of the character.height
(optional): The height of the character.weight
(optional): The weight of the character.bloodtype
(optional): The blood type of the character.birthdate
(optional): The birthdate of the character.occupation
(optional): The occupation of the character.origin
(optional): The origin of the character.wish
(optional): The wish of the character.speed
(optional): The speed attribute of the character.acceleration
(optional): The acceleration attribute of the character.force
(optional): The force attribute of the character.control
(optional): The control attribute of the character.special
(optional): Indicates if the character is special.starting_character
(optional): Indicates if the character is a starting character.releasedate
(optional): The release date of the character.price
(optional): The price of the character.
"data": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Charlie",
"original_name": "Chowon",
"thai_name": "โชวอน",
"description": "Character Information Charlie, dubbed 'The Athlete'...",
"appearance": "Charlie appearance as a young slim child...",
"age": 11,
"type": "human",
"height": "4.7ft (140cm)",
"weight": "77 lbs (35kg)",
"bloodtype": "0",
"birthdate": "May 2",
"occupation": "Elementary School Athletic Team Member",
"origin": "Korea",
"wish": null,
"speed": 3,
"acceleration": 3,
"force": 3,
"control": 3,
"special": false,
"image_url": "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/talesrunner-sg/images/c/c9/Charlie.png/revision/latest?cb=20140101024429",
"price": 10000,
"starting_character": true,
"releasedate": "July 29, 2005"
// More character objects...
Example Requests:
Retrieve all characters:
GET /character
Retrieve character by ID:
GET /character?id=1
Retrieve character by name:
GET /character?name=Charlie
Retrieve character by original name:
GET /character?original_name=Chowon
Retrieve character by other fields (e.g., age, height):
GET /character?age=11 GET /character?height=4.7ft
Note: All parameters are optional. If no parameters are provided, all characters will be returned.
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves information about items. Supports filtering by
Query Parameters:
(optional): The ID of the item.
"data": [
"shirt": [
"id": 2,
"desc": "ไอเทมวันสงกรานต์",
"stats": [
"TR": "+200%",
"EXP": "+220%",
"speed": "+1",
"accel": "+2",
"power": "+2",
"ability": "เปอร์เซ็นในการแปลงร่างเป็นกิ้งค่า ด้วยไอเทมระเบิดแปลงกาย + 75%",
"trigger_fury": "+18%",
"duration_fury": "+18%",
"reduce_duration_of_black_melon": "-12%",
"protecting_when_attacked_by_chicken_penguin": "+12%",
"protecting_from_lighting": "+25%",
"gain_max_dash_by": "+15%",
"gain_EXP_max_by": "+2200",
"TR_value": 200,
"TR_percent": true,
"EXP_value": 220,
"EXP_percent": true,
"gain_max_dash_by_value": 15,
"gain_max_dash_by_percent": true
// More item objects...
Example Requests:
Retrieve all items:
GET /items
Retrieve item by ID:
GET /items?id=2
Note: If no ID is provided, all items will be returned.