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Developing a LimeChat Theme is kind of odd, since you always have to reload the Theme inside LimeChat to see the new changes. So I decided to build an interactive LimeChat Theme Preview Tester to make the Development of new Themes easier.
I've added some basic JavaScript: The Text-Input is functional and will add the message to the channel + console with a random nick. The Theme used is my Atom One Dark Theme.
- Download the latest release and extract the zip wherever you want.
- Copy the CSS of the Theme to the "Theme.css" file
- Extract the data of the themes .yaml file to the "Theme.yaml.css"
- Open the Theme.html, code and reload ;)
- I recommend the VS Code Live Preview Extension, so the page automatically refreshes after a code change.
I tried to name the classes self-descriptive, so you should know which .yaml parameter is asked for specific classes.
If you find any bugs/errors, feel free to post an issue.
That's it!
Be excellent to each other. And, Party on, dudes!