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Short sweet and quick new Python tutorial which explains the essential topics one needs to learn to move forward in Python's learning journey.

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Basic_python: (Ultra quick Tutorial )

print(1 + 1)     # addition(+)
print(2 - 1)     # subtraction(-)
print(6 * 3)     # multiplication(*)
print(4 / 2)     # division(/)
print(3 ** 2)    # exponential(**)  /  power
print(5 % 2)     # modulus(%)
print(3 // 2)     # Floor division operator(//)

Data Types:

Numeric Data-Types

print(type(2))   			#Int 
print (type(3.1415926535))    	#float

Sequence Types

print(type(“yolo”))    			 #String
print(type([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]))        #list
print(type())     			#Tuples


print(type({‘name’ : ‘your-name’ })) #Dictionary print(type()) #


first_name = “Tom”                        #declaring string to variable name “first_name”
last_name = “Cr00se”  	            #declaring string to variable name “last_name”
Full_name = first_name + last_name   	#String concatenation
Age = 9 			            #declaring integer to variable name “Age”
employed_status =True                 #declaring boolean value to variable name “employed_status”
Programming_knowledge = [‘Python’,’Java’,’c#’,’c’,’Javascript’] #assigning list to variable.                                                                                                      name “Programming_knowledge”
Description = { 		                           #assigning dictionary to variable name Description 
‘First_name(Key) ’:’Tom’(value),         #dictionaries have key value pairs
‘last_name ’:’Cr00se’,
‘Age ’: 9,

Printing the values stored in the variables:

print(“My First name is ” ,First_name ) 		#Prints: My First name is Tom
print(“My last name is ” ,last_name  ) 		#Prints: My last name is Cr00se
print(“My Full name is ” ,Full_name  )  		#Prints: My Full name is TomCr00se
print(“My length of full name is ” ,len(Full_name) )  #Prints length of full name: 9
print(“Age is  ” ,Age )    				     #Prints: Age is 9
print(“Employed Status” , employed_status )	     #Prints: Employed Status True

Arithmetic Operation in python

Integer Operation

print(“Addition in python ” ,1+1 ) 
print(“Subtraction in python ” ,1-1 ) 
print(“Multiplication in python ” ,1*1 ) 
print(“Division in python ” ,1/1 )              # while dividing two integer it gives float as output
print(“Addition in python ” ,1+1 ) 

Float Operation

print('Value of PI', 3.1415926535897)

Complex numbers

print('Complex number : ', 1+1j)
print('Multiplying complex number: ' ,(1+1j) * (1-1j))

Playing with variables

a = 3                                                      #declaring integer to variable name “a”
b = 2                                                      #declaring integer to variable name “b”
sum = a + b                                          # declaring result to the variables
difference = a - b
multiplication = a * b
division = a / b
remainder = a % b
floor_division = a // b                 
exponential = a ** b                            #squares,cubes…

print('a + b = ', sum)
print('a - b = ', difference )
print('a * b = ', multiplication )
print('a / b = ', division)
print('a % b = ', remainder)
print('a // b = ', floor_division)
print('a ** b = ', exponential)

Calculate Area of circle:

	pseudo code
Assign the value of  radius
areaOfCircle is pi * radius ^2
Print it 


Radius = 20 
Pi = 3.14
AreaOfCircle = Pi * Radius ** 2
print(“The area of Circle is : “ , AreaOfCircle )

Calculate Area of rectangle:

	pseudo code
Assign the length
Assign the width
areaOfRectangle is length * width 
Print it 


length = 20
Width = 40 
AreaOfRectangle = length * width
print(“The area of Rectangle is : “ , AreaOfRectangle )

Boolean Operation

print(1 > 2)  	 #False
print(1 < 2)	#True
print(1 == 2)   #False      “==” is an comparison operator (it compares) 
print(1 !=  2)   #True        “!=”  is not equal to 
print(len(“tomCroose”) == len(“DonaldDuck”))  #False #compares the length of both string 
print( len(“python”)  <  len(“potatoHeadYolo”) )  #True 

Boolean comparison

print('5 is 5', 5 is 5)                  		 # True
print('5 is not 6', 5 is not 6)          		 # True 
print('P in Pramit', 'P' in 'Pramit')    	 # True 
print('L in Pramit', 'L' in 'Pramit') 		# False 
print('started' in 'lets get started') 		# True 
print('9 is 3 ** 2:', 9 is 3 **2)   		# True
print(not False)     				# True
print(not not True)  				# True
print(not not False) 				# False
print('True and True: ', True and True)     #True
print('True or False:', True or False)         #True

MultiLine String:

This_is_multiline_string = ‘’’This ia multiline string 
And i can write where ever I 

Unpacking Character:

	Name = “TomCroose”
	a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i = Name
	print(a)  	 #It print “T”
    print(b) 	 #It print “o”
	print(c) 	 #It print “m”
	print(d)	#It print “C”
    print(e)	#It print “r”
    print(f)		#It print “o”
    print(g)	#It print “o”
	print(h)	#It print “s”
	print(i)		#It print “e”

Accessing by Index:

name = “TomCroose”
First_character = name[0]     
print(First_character)            	 # print out “T”

Second_character = name[1]     
print(Second_character )             	# print out “o”

Third_character = name[2]     
print(Third_character )             	# print out “m”

fourth_character = name[3]     
print(fourth_character)             	# print out “C”

Fifth_character = name[4]     
print(Fifth_character)            	 # print out “r”

Slicing the string:

name = “TomCroose”
Four_slice = name[0:4]         #Slice character upto fourth but it doesn't include fourth one
print(Four_slice) 		  # prints out “TomC”

last_slice = name[3:7]         #Slice character from third index to seventh one but not seventh
print(last_slice )                  # prints out “Croo”

Escaping the string (Escape character):

print(“I am bond \n james \n bond”)    #break lines

#Prints: I am bond
print(“ I am bond \t james \t bond”)	#create tab spaces
#Prints: I am bond		james		bond

Capitalize first character of string by using .capitalize() :

character = “i am not a james bond ”
print(character.capitalize())       		# “ I am not james bond”

Count the character of string by using .count() :

character = “i am not a james bond ”
print(character.count(‘a’))       		# There are “3” “a” in character

Replacing tabs character with spaces by using .expandtabs() :

character = “i \t am \t not \t a \t james \t bond ”

print(character.expandtabs(5))          # i 		am 	   not 	    a 	   james 	  bond

print(character.expandtabs(10))       # i 		am 	    not 	  	  a 	   james            bond

Find the index position of the string by using .find() :

character = “i am not a james bond ”

print(character.find(“n”))        # prints out “ 5 ”  (spaces are also being counted)

Using .format() to format the output in meaningful way:

length = 20
Width = 40 
AreaOfRectangle = length * width
print(“{ } is the area of Rectangle : “ .format( str(AreaOfRectangle)))

first_name= “tom”
last_name = “croose”
print(“{ } is the very good bouy and he likes to { } : “ .format(first_name,last_name ))

check whether given string is alphabet or not by using isalpha():

first_name= “tom”
print(first_name.isalpha())     # True

print(first_name.isalpha())     # False

check whether given string is digit or not by using isdigit():

first_name= “tom”
print(first_name.isdigit())     # False

print(first_name.isdigit())     # True

check whether given string is uppercase or not by using isupper():

first_name= “TOM”
print(first_name.isupper())     # True

first_name= “tom”
print(first_name.isupper())     # False

Replacing the substring by using replace():

Coding_practice = “I have no idea what I am doing”
print(Coding_practice.replace(“no”,”yes”)     	#replaces no with yes  

Splitting the substring by using split():

Coding_practice = “I have no idea what I am doing”
print(Coding_practice.split())    			 #  ['I', 'have', 'no', 'idea', 'what', 'I', 'am', 'doing']

Check whether given string start with certain string by using startswith():

Coding_practice = “The world is in Complete chaos”

print(Coding_practice.startswith(“The”))			# True

Creating an empty list:

empty_list = list()
empty_list = [ ]

print(len(empty_list))     #Its length is ”0” cause list is empty

Creating a list called programming languages:

programming_languages =[“Python”,”Java”,”C”,”C#” ]

print(“List of Programming languages : ” , programming_languages)
print(“Number of programming languages : ” , len(programming_languages))

Accessing the items from the list called programming languages:

programming_languages =[“Python”,”Java”,”C”,”C#” ]

Java_language = programming_languages[1]
print(Java_language)				#prints: “Java”

C_language = programming_languages[2]
print(C_language )					#prints: “C”

Last_items_from_list = programming_languages[-1]
print(Last_items_from_list )			#prints: “C#”

SecondLast_items_from_list = programming_language[-2]
print(SecondLast_items_from_list )		#prints: “C”

Slicing the list items from the list called programming language:

programming_language =[“Python”,”Java”,”C”,”C#” ]

All_language = programming_language[0:4]
print(All_language)					#prints out all the list

Manipulating the list:

programming_language =[“Python”,”Java”,”C”,”C#” ]

Programming_language[1] = “Kotlin”	
print(programming_language )			#Prints out [“Python”,”Java”,”Kotlin”,”C#” ]

checking the items whether its in list or not:

programming_language =[“Python”,”Java”,”C”,”C#” ]

Existence_check = “Python” in programming_language 

print(Existence_check )  				#True

Appending the items in the list using append():

programming_language =[“Python”,”Java”,”C”,”C#” ]


print(programming_language)		#Prints out [“Python”,”Java”,”C#”,”matlab” ]

Inserting the items in the list using insert():

programming_language =[“Python”,”Java”,”C”,”C#” ]

programming_language.insert(1,“matlab”)	#inserts “matlab” between python and java

print(programming_language)			#Prints out [“Python”,”matlab”,”Java”,”C”,”C#”]

Removing the items in the list using remove():

programming_language =[“Python”,”Java”,”C”,”C#” ]


print(programming_language)		#Removes the “java” from the list

using del to remove:

programming_language =[“Python”,”Java”,”C”,”C#” ]

del programming_language [1]

print(programming_language )                         #prints output as “[“Python”,”C”,”C#” ]”

using copy() to copy the entire list:

programming_language =[“Python”,”Java”,”C”,”C#” ]

copyOf_programming_language = programming_language.copy()

print(copyOf_programming_language )

clearing the entire list by using clear():

programming_language =[“Python”,”Java”,”C”,”C#” ]


print(programming_language)	#Prints empty list

Joining with extend():




print(“Total Numbers : “ ,number1)	#Prints: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]

counting in list using count():


print(number1.count(11))				#prints out “4”

Using index() to find the index position:


print(number1.index(14))				#prints out “2”

Using reverse() to reverse the list:

programming_language =[“Python”,”Java”,”C”,”C#” ]


print(programming_language)			#prints out the reverse of the list

Using sort() to sort the list:

programming_language =[“Python”,”Java”,”C”,”C#” ]


print(programming_language)	    		#prints out list in sorted order

Using sort(reverse=True) to reverse sort the list:

programming_language =[“Python”,”Java”,”C”,”C#” ]



Creating an empty tuple:

empty_tuple  = tuple()
empty_tuple = ()

print(len(empty_list))     #Its length is ”0” cause its an empty tuple

Accessing the items in the tuple:

progarmming_tuple = (“python”,”Java”,”C’,”C#”)

First_tuple = progarmming_tuple[0]		

Second_tuple = progarmming_tuple[1]

Third_tuple = progarmming_tuple[2]

Fourth_tuple = progarmming_tuple[3]

Accessing the last items in the tuple:

progarmming_tuple = (“python”,”Java”,”C’,”C#”)

Tuple_last = progarmming_tuple[-1]

progarmming_tuple = (“python”,”Java”,”C’,”C#”)

Last_tuple_index = len( progarmming_tuple )  -  1

Last_tuple = progarmming_tuple[Last_tuple_index ]


Slicing the tuple :

progarmming_tuple = (“python”,”Java”,”C’,”C#”)

All_tuple = progarmming_tuple[0:4] 			#prints out all the items


All_tuple = progarmming_tuple[0:] 			#prints out all the items

Slicing the range of negative index in tuple:

progarmming_tuple = (“python”,”Java”,”C’,”C#”)

All_tuple = progarmming_tuple[-4:] 		
print(All_tuple)						#prints out all the items

Middle_tuple = progarmming_tuple[-3:-1]		
print(Middle_tuple)						#print out the middle ones

Converting tuple to list:

progarmming_tuple = (“python”,”Java”,”C’,”C#”)

Convert_to_list = list(progarmming_tuple )

print(Convert_to_list)				#convert tuple into list

Joining two tuple :

tuple1= (“python”,”Java”,”C’,”C#”)

tuple2= (“javascript”,”kotlin”,”coq’,”matlab”)

combine_tuple = tuple1 + tuple2


Checking an item in tuple whether it exist or not:

programming_tuple= (“python”,”Java”,”C’,”C#”)

“python” in programming_tuple		#Prints “True” cause python exist in programming_tuple

“GoLang” in programming_tuple		#Prints “False” cause it dose not exist 

Deleting the entire tuple using del :

tuple1= (“python”,”Java”,”C’,”C#”)

del tuple1				#deletes tuple1

tuple2= (“javascript”,”kotlin”,”coq’,”matlab”)

del tuple2				#deletes tuple2

Creating an empty set:

empty_set  = set()
empty_set = { }

print(len(empty_set ))     #Its length is ”0” cause its an empty set

Creating and adding items in set:

programming_set  = {“python”,”java”,”C”,”C#” }

print(programming_set)			#prints out “{“python”,”java”,”C”,”C#” }


print(programming_set) 			#prints out “{“python”,”java”,”C”,”C#”,”coq” }

Adding multiple items in set using update():

programming_set  = {“python”,”java”,”C”,”C#” }

Programming_set.update([ “matlab”,”javascript”,”go”,”ruby”])      #Insert entire items                                                

print(programming_set)	#prints out {'matlab', 'python', 'ruby', 'javascript', 'java', 'C#', 'C', 'go'}

Removing from set using remove() or discard():

programming_set  = {“python”,”java”,”C”,”C#” }


print(programming_set)					#Removes java from the items list

Removing last item using pop():

programming_set  = {“python”,”java”,”C”,”C#” }


print(programming_set)			#removes the last item and print the rest of the set

Deleting the entire set using del:

programming_set  = {“python”,”java”,”C”,”C#” }

del programming_set 			# deletes the entire set

Merging or Joining the entire set using union() or update():

programming_set  = {“python”,”java”,”C”,”C#” }

programming_set_2 = { “matlab”,”javascript”,”go”,”ruby” }

Merge_set = programming_set .union(programming_set_2 )

print(Merge_set)					#Joins two set into one

Finding the common items in the set using intersection:

programming_set  = {“python”,”java”,”C”,”C#” }

programming_set_2 = { “python”,”java” }

Common_items =intersection(programming_set_2 ) 

print(Common_items)					#prints out  { “python”,”java” }

Checking the subset and super set using issubset() and issuperset():

programming_set  = {“python”,”java”,”C”,”C#” }

programming_set_2 = { “python”,”java” }

programming_set_2.issubset(programming_set) 		#True

programming_set.issuperset(programming_set_2) 		#True

Finding out the difference between two sets using difference():

programming_set  = {“python”,”java”,”C”,”C#” }

programming_set_2 = { “python”,”java” }

programming_set_2.difference(programming_set )   		#Prints out “{“C”,”C#”}

Finding out the symmetric_difference() between two sets:

programming_set  = {“python”,”java”,”C”,”C#” }

programming_set_2 = { “python”,”java” }

programming_set_2.symmetric_difference(programming_set)   	#Prints out “{“C”,”C#”}

Or(simple example)

Name = {“t”,”o”,”m”}

Last_name = {“c”,”r”,”o”,”o”,”s”,”e”}


print(Last_name)							#prints out {'c', 'r', 's', 'o', 'e'}


Short sweet and quick new Python tutorial which explains the essential topics one needs to learn to move forward in Python's learning journey.







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