Serverless workshop with AWS Lambda, GraalVM and Micronaut
- Make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your device:
- Micronaut
- AWS Cli
- Docker
- Java 11
- Intellij or your prefered IDE
- Maven
- Run the command on the terminal
aws configure
and use the credentials provided by the Perficient team Make sure you make your default region as us-east-1. By doing this, you will be able to create resources from the CLI.
aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key [YOUR_SECRET_KEY]
Default region name [us-east-1]
Default output format [json]
NOTE: For any resource created during this workshop, make sure to have as name prefix "workshop".
- Using the terminal, go to the folder where you want to generate the project and run the following commands:
mn create-function-app com.perficient.workshop-clei-function --features=graalvm,aws-lambda --build=maven --lang=java
This will create a Hello world
project ready to be used in aws lambda.
- Once you have reviewed the project with your IDE, you can generate the native image, in the project root run:
NOTE: Make sure to have docker running.
From unix OS
./mvnw package -Dpackaging=docker-native -Dmicronaut.runtime=lambda -Pgraalvm
From Windows Powershell
mvn package '-Dpackaging=docker-native' '-Dmicronaut.runtime=lambda' '-Pgraalvm'
From Windows bash console
mvn package -Dpackaging=docker-native -Dmicronaut.runtime=lambda -Pgraalvm
From Intellij embedded maven menu
Maven -> Eecute Maven Goal -> mvn package -Dpackaging=docker-native -Dmicronaut.runtime=lambda -Pgraalvm
This will build the GraalVM native image inside a docker container and generate the
in the target folder ready for the deployment.
- You will need ACCOUNT_ID to deploy the lambda function in aws. You can get it by accesing the aws web UI using the [training console link] (
Use the credentials provided by the Perficient team
IAM user name = [YOUR_USER]
Password = [YOUR_PASSWORD]
Once logged in, AWS will ask you to change the password You can use the same password adding an '*' at the end of the password
- In the project target folder you must have the native zipped function, you need to deploy it in AWS using the following command:
You have to run from target folder the next command
change [YOUR_NAME] by an specific identifier for your lambda
change [ACCOUNT_ID] and use the Account ID *without the middle dash(-)* from the portal menu in the user top right corner
aws lambda create-function --function-name workshop-clei-function-[YOUR_NAME] --runtime provided.al2 --zip-file fileb://target/ --handler com.perficient.FunctionRequestHandler --role "arn:aws:iam::[ACCOUNT_ID]:role/lambda-fn-one-role"
- Now you are able to test your lambda function using the AWS Portal. Try testing it, search for Lambda in the portal search bar. There is the list of the AWS lambda functions Enter in your lambda
Select the Test menu
Then click on Test button
The response body must be
"statusCode": 200,
"body": "{\"message\":\"Hello World\"}"
- Now you need to create an API Gateway to be able to call the lambda function using a public URL. Run the following command to create the gateway:
change [YOUR_NAME] by an specific identifier for your API Gateway
aws apigateway create-rest-api --name workshop-clei-apigateway-[YOUR_NAME] --region us-east-1
- Using the AWS API Gateway UI, create the method GET in the gateway
Enter in your API Gateway
Resources > Actions > Create Method > In the drop down list select GET method
Select the GET method
In the Lambda Function autocomplete search your lambda function
Save the change
- Click on the GET method > click on Test option with the Thunder icon > click on Test button and the response must be
{"statusCode":200,"body":"{\"message\":\"Hello World\"}"}
- Under the api gateway created, go to resources > actions > deploy api > deployment stage
Create a new deployment stage
Stage name = dev
Click on deploy button
- Under API Gateway > Usage plans > create
Name = workshop-clei-usage-plan-[YOUR_NAME]
Throttling rate = 100
Burst rate = 100
Quota rate = 100
define a usage plan with value 100 for Rate, Brust and Quota. Click on next and add the API and stage created.
Add API Stages
In API select in the drop down menu your api gate way In Stage select dev
Create API Key and add to usage plan Name = workshop-clei-api-key-[YOUR_NAME]
Then click "Done"
- The following procedure describes how to configure an API method to require an API key.
- In the API Gateway main navigation pane, choose Resources.
- Under Resources, create a new method or choose an existing one.
- Choose Method Request.
- Under the Settings section, choose true for API Key Required.
- Select the checkmark icon to save the settings.
- Under the api gateway created, go to resources > actions > deploy api and select the deployment stage dev, then click deploy.
- Under the api gateway created, go to stages section and select the stage defined. The UI will show you a invoke URL, use it to access the API Gateway.
- Define the GET method, paste the invoke url from the step 15.
In the headers tab, add the next header.
change [YOUR_API_KEY] from the menu API keys > select your API key > click on show API key
x-api-key = [YOUR_API_KEY]
Then run execute the request