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Added HeytingAlgebra, Semiring, Ring
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xgrommx authored and LiamGoodacre committed Sep 19, 2018
1 parent 08b57e0 commit 3bd3379
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Showing 4 changed files with 212 additions and 2 deletions.
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions src/Data/Generic/Rep/HeytingAlgebra.purs
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@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
module Data.Generic.Rep.HeytingAlgebra where

import Prelude

import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic, Argument(..), Constructor(..), NoArguments(..), Product(..), from, to)
import Data.HeytingAlgebra (ff, implies, tt)

class GenericHeytingAlgebra a where
genericFF' :: a
genericTT' :: a
genericImplies' :: a -> a -> a
genericConj' :: a -> a -> a
genericDisj' :: a -> a -> a
genericNot' :: a -> a

instance genericHeytingAlgebraNoArguments :: GenericHeytingAlgebra NoArguments where
genericFF' = NoArguments
genericTT' = NoArguments
genericImplies' _ _ = NoArguments
genericConj' _ _ = NoArguments
genericDisj' _ _ = NoArguments
genericNot' _ = NoArguments

instance genericHeytingAlgebraArgument :: HeytingAlgebra a => GenericHeytingAlgebra (Argument a) where
genericFF' = Argument ff
genericTT' = Argument tt
genericImplies' (Argument x) (Argument y) = Argument (implies x y)
genericConj' (Argument x) (Argument y) = Argument (conj x y)
genericDisj' (Argument x) (Argument y) = Argument (disj x y)
genericNot' (Argument x) = Argument (not x)

instance genericHeytingAlgebraProduct :: (GenericHeytingAlgebra a, GenericHeytingAlgebra b) => GenericHeytingAlgebra (Product a b) where
genericFF' = Product genericFF' genericFF'
genericTT' = Product genericTT' genericTT'
genericImplies' (Product a1 b1) (Product a2 b2) = Product (genericImplies' a1 a2) (genericImplies' b1 b2)
genericConj' (Product a1 b1) (Product a2 b2) = Product (genericConj' a1 a2) (genericConj' b1 b2)
genericDisj' (Product a1 b1) (Product a2 b2) = Product (genericDisj' a1 a2) (genericDisj' b1 b2)
genericNot' (Product a b) = Product (genericNot' a) (genericNot' b)

instance genericHeytingAlgebraConstructor :: GenericHeytingAlgebra a => GenericHeytingAlgebra (Constructor name a) where
genericFF' = Constructor genericFF'
genericTT' = Constructor genericTT'
genericImplies' (Constructor a1) (Constructor a2) = Constructor (genericImplies' a1 a2)
genericConj' (Constructor a1) (Constructor a2) = Constructor (genericConj' a1 a2)
genericDisj' (Constructor a1) (Constructor a2) = Constructor (genericDisj' a1 a2)
genericNot' (Constructor a) = Constructor (genericNot' a)

-- | A `Generic` implementation of the `ff` member from the `HeytingAlgebra` type class.
genericFF :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericHeytingAlgebra rep => a
genericFF = to genericFF'

-- | A `Generic` implementation of the `tt` member from the `HeytingAlgebra` type class.
genericTT :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericHeytingAlgebra rep => a
genericTT = to genericTT'

-- | A `Generic` implementation of the `implies` member from the `HeytingAlgebra` type class.
genericImplies :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericHeytingAlgebra rep => a -> a -> a
genericImplies x y = to $ from x `genericImplies'` from y

-- | A `Generic` implementation of the `conj` member from the `HeytingAlgebra` type class.
genericConj :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericHeytingAlgebra rep => a -> a -> a
genericConj x y = to $ from x `genericConj'` from y

-- | A `Generic` implementation of the `disj` member from the `HeytingAlgebra` type class.
genericDisj :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericHeytingAlgebra rep => a -> a -> a
genericDisj x y = to $ from x `genericDisj'` from y

-- | A `Generic` implementation of the `not` member from the `HeytingAlgebra` type class.
genericNot :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericHeytingAlgebra rep => a -> a
genericNot x = to $ genericNot' (from x)
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions src/Data/Generic/Rep/Ring.purs
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module Data.Generic.Rep.Ring where

import Prelude

import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic, Argument(..), Constructor(..), NoArguments(..), Product(..), from, to)

class GenericRing a where
genericSub' :: a -> a -> a

instance genericRingNoArguments :: GenericRing NoArguments where
genericSub' _ _ = NoArguments

instance genericRingArgument :: Ring a => GenericRing (Argument a) where
genericSub' (Argument x) (Argument y) = Argument (sub x y)

instance genericRingProduct :: (GenericRing a, GenericRing b) => GenericRing (Product a b) where
genericSub' (Product a1 b1) (Product a2 b2) = Product (genericSub' a1 a2) (genericSub' b1 b2)

instance genericRingConstructor :: GenericRing a => GenericRing (Constructor name a) where
genericSub' (Constructor a1) (Constructor a2) = Constructor (genericSub' a1 a2)

-- | A `Generic` implementation of the `sub` member from the `Ring` type class.
genericSub :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericRing rep => a -> a -> a
genericSub x y = to $ from x `genericSub'` from y
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions src/Data/Generic/Rep/Semiring.purs
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
module Data.Generic.Rep.Semiring where

import Prelude

import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic, Argument(..), Constructor(..), NoArguments(..), Product(..), from, to)

class GenericSemiring a where
genericAdd' :: a -> a -> a
genericZero' :: a
genericMul' :: a -> a -> a
genericOne' :: a

instance genericSemiringNoArguments :: GenericSemiring NoArguments where
genericAdd' _ _ = NoArguments
genericZero' = NoArguments
genericMul' _ _ = NoArguments
genericOne' = NoArguments

instance genericSemiringArgument :: Semiring a => GenericSemiring (Argument a) where
genericAdd' (Argument x) (Argument y) = Argument (add x y)
genericZero' = Argument zero
genericMul' (Argument x) (Argument y) = Argument (mul x y)
genericOne' = Argument one

instance genericSemiringProduct :: (GenericSemiring a, GenericSemiring b) => GenericSemiring (Product a b) where
genericAdd' (Product a1 b1) (Product a2 b2) = Product (genericAdd' a1 a2) (genericAdd' b1 b2)
genericZero' = Product genericZero' genericZero'
genericMul' (Product a1 b1) (Product a2 b2) = Product (genericMul' a1 a2) (genericMul' b1 b2)
genericOne' = Product genericOne' genericOne'

instance genericSemiringConstructor :: GenericSemiring a => GenericSemiring (Constructor name a) where
genericAdd' (Constructor a1) (Constructor a2) = Constructor (genericAdd' a1 a2)
genericZero' = Constructor genericZero'
genericMul' (Constructor a1) (Constructor a2) = Constructor (genericMul' a1 a2)
genericOne' = Constructor genericOne'

-- | A `Generic` implementation of the `zero` member from the `Semiring` type class.
genericZero :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericSemiring rep => a
genericZero = to genericZero'

-- | A `Generic` implementation of the `one` member from the `Semiring` type class.
genericOne :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericSemiring rep => a
genericOne = to genericOne'

-- | A `Generic` implementation of the `add` member from the `Semiring` type class.
genericAdd :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericSemiring rep => a -> a -> a
genericAdd x y = to $ from x `genericAdd'` from y

-- | A `Generic` implementation of the `mul` member from the `Semiring` type class.
genericMul :: forall a rep. Generic a rep => GenericSemiring rep => a -> a -> a
genericMul x y = to $ from x `genericMul'` from y
69 changes: 67 additions & 2 deletions test/Main.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,16 +2,21 @@ module Test.Main where

import Prelude

import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log, logShow)
import Data.Enum (class BoundedEnum, class Enum, Cardinality(..), cardinality, fromEnum, pred, succ, toEnum, enumFromTo)
import Data.Generic.Rep as G
import Data.Generic.Rep.Bounded as GBounded
import Data.Generic.Rep.Enum as GEnum
import Data.Generic.Rep.Eq as GEq
import Data.Generic.Rep.HeytingAlgebra as GHeytingAlgebra
import Data.Generic.Rep.Ord as GOrd
import Data.Generic.Rep.Ring as GRing
import Data.Generic.Rep.Semiring as GSemiring
import Data.Generic.Rep.Show as GShow
import Data.HeytingAlgebra (ff, tt)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log, logShow)
import Test.Assert (assert)

data List a = Nil | Cons { head :: a, tail :: List a }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,6 +108,36 @@ instance boundedEnumPair :: (BoundedEnum a, BoundedEnum b) => BoundedEnum (Pair
toEnum = GEnum.genericToEnum
fromEnum = GEnum.genericFromEnum

data A1 = A1 (Tuple (Tuple Int {a :: Int}) {a :: Int})
derive instance genericA1 :: G.Generic A1 _
instance eqA1 :: Eq A1 where
eq a = GEq.genericEq a
instance showA1 :: Show A1 where
show a = GShow.genericShow a
instance semiringA1 :: Semiring A1 where
zero = GSemiring.genericZero
one = GSemiring.genericOne
add x y = GSemiring.genericAdd x y
mul x y = GSemiring.genericMul x y
instance ringA1 :: Ring A1 where
sub x y = GRing.genericSub x y

data B1 = B1 (Tuple (Tuple Boolean {a :: Boolean}) {a :: Boolean})
derive instance genericB1 :: G.Generic B1 _
instance eqB1 :: Eq B1 where
eq a = GEq.genericEq a
instance showB1 :: Show B1 where
show a = GShow.genericShow a
instance heytingAlgebraB1 :: HeytingAlgebra B1 where
ff = GHeytingAlgebra.genericFF
tt = GHeytingAlgebra.genericTT
implies x y = GHeytingAlgebra.genericImplies x y
conj x y = GHeytingAlgebra.genericConj x y
disj x y = GHeytingAlgebra.genericDisj x y
not x = GHeytingAlgebra.genericNot x

instance booleanAlgebraB1 :: BooleanAlgebra B1

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
logShow (cons 1 (cons 2 Nil))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,3 +231,33 @@ main = do
log "Checking product toEnum/fromEnum roundtrip"
assert $ let allPairs = enumFromTo bottom top :: Array (Pair Bit SimpleBounded)
in (toEnum <<< fromEnum <$> allPairs) == (Just <$> allPairs)

log "Checking zero"
assert $ (zero :: A1) == A1 (Tuple (Tuple 0 {a: 0}) {a: 0})

log "Checking one"
assert $ (one :: A1) == A1 (Tuple (Tuple 1 {a: 1}) {a: 1})

log "Checking add"
assert $ A1 (Tuple (Tuple 100 {a: 10}) {a: 20}) + A1 (Tuple (Tuple 50 {a: 30}) {a: 40}) == A1 (Tuple (Tuple 150 {a: 40}) {a: 60})

log "Checking mul"
assert $ A1 (Tuple (Tuple 100 {a: 10}) {a: 20}) * A1 (Tuple (Tuple 50 {a: 30}) {a: 40}) == A1 (Tuple (Tuple 5000 {a: 300}) {a: 800})

log "Checking sub"
assert $ A1 (Tuple (Tuple 100 {a: 10}) {a: 20}) - A1 (Tuple (Tuple 50 {a: 30}) {a: 40}) == A1 (Tuple (Tuple 50 {a: -20}) {a: -20})

log "Checking ff"
assert $ (ff :: B1) == B1 (Tuple (Tuple false {a: false}) {a: false})

log "Checking tt"
assert $ (tt :: B1) == B1 (Tuple (Tuple true {a: true}) {a: true})

log "Checking conj"
assert $ (B1 (Tuple (Tuple true {a: false}) {a: true}) && B1 (Tuple (Tuple false {a: false}) {a: true})) == B1 (Tuple (Tuple false { a: false }) { a: true })

log "Checking disj"
assert $ (B1 (Tuple (Tuple true {a: false}) {a: true}) || B1 (Tuple (Tuple false {a: false}) {a: true})) == B1 (Tuple (Tuple true { a: false }) { a: true })

log "Checking not"
assert $ not B1 (Tuple (Tuple true {a: false}) {a: true}) == B1 (Tuple (Tuple false {a: true}) {a: false})

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