Generate boilerplate output from a schema.
Dagen (DATA GENerator) is a tool for generating code for an application's data models using templates.
It works by pre-processing a JSON document in a JSON Schema simillar syntax then executing a user supplied template against the processed document.
Templates are generated using Nunjucks.
See the
file for the specifics of the schema syntax.
npm install -g @quenk/dagen
main.js [--namespace=NAMESPACE...] [--plugin=PATH...] [--definitions=PATH...]
[--set=KVP...] [--template=TEMPLATE] [--templates=PATH]
[--check=PATH...] [--install-check=PATH] <file>
-h --help Show this screen.
--template TEMPLATE Specify the template to use when generating code.
--templates PATH Path to resolve templates from. Defaults to process.cwd().
--namespace EXT Sets a namespace to be in effect.
--plugin PATH Path to a plugin that will be loaded at runtime.
--definitions PATH Path to an exported definition object to include.
--set PATH=VALUE Set a value on the schema document.
--check PATH Loads and applies a check to the final document.
--install-check PATH Make a precondition available to be used as a $check.
--version Show version.
Apache-2.0 (C) Quenk Technologies Limited.