This side Bharathraj.eth Dedicated to crafting cutting-edge web2 and web3 solutions using Solidity and JavaScript with Laravel. Boasting 12 years of professional and freelance enterprise expertise. Transitioned from a full-stack background to pioneering in web3 development.
- π― Node Laravel React Next
- π Solidity TACT React Web3Js Laravel developer.
- π Truffle,Ganache,Hardhat,Wagmi,Web3.js,Ether.js.
- π« Es6 JSX Hooks Redux NextJS and Express
- π¬ AWS windows and Linux environment, Autoscalability, Maltiple instance,Ec2,multiple security groups,ELB,VPC environment,RDS,Route 53.
- π§βπ» Bootstrap 4 to 5 and Tailwind
- π― Web3 and Blockchain enthusiast.
- π Excellent communication and Interpersonal skills.
- π§βπ» TON and Telegram Mini apps dev