- Automating repetivte workflow tasks as my time as a GIS Data Analyst.
- Apply Buffers and clips ot data as it comes in
- Using network analyst to expand ways to find critcal service areas.
Before Time to Complete Analyis: Per State 30 hours each time a new model and map needed to be made as a manual process. After Time to Compelte Analysis: Programatically - 2 Hours to Run on Computer with similar large datasets with no
- Select Analysis --> 2. Loop through Buffer and Clip Analysis --> 3. Network Analyst for Service Area and Nearest Faclity
- Using select_analysis in arcpy utilizing SQL within the python script to extract counties and specific attributes.
- can be easily edited to use a lookup list or dictonary whenever the data becomes larger.
2.1 Create Lists and Loops for Clip and Buffer
- One example of lists and loops used in the script
- Double for loop to clip each feature to each countya nd rename with clip + int
2.2 Setting up Features for Network Analyst Function
- Clipping hospitals, roads, and abulance dispatch points for a specfic county layer
- Building and solving Network
- 1 manual stpe of creating the road network a short coming of ArcGIS
- Created service areas based on 2000 meter increments
- Created Closet Hospital routes using length