This bot came to life in 2022 with initially straightforward functionality.
Over time, I dedicated effort to transform it into a personalized bot for my friends and me, primarily centered around music and economy functionalities.
Originally, the bot's code was kept private. However, in December 2023, I made the decision to share the bot with the public, which necessitated a thorough code cleanup. The initial code lacked the use of cogs and resembled a chaotic file with a whopping 14,000 lines—a genuine mess. Not to mention, the code quality was, at times, truly lamentable; most of the requests used the 'requests' library... I had almost no databases, only JSON files. When I did have a database, I used sqlite3... Anyway, I've learned (and it continues today) a lot by learning the library.
Occasionally, I find the motivation to enhance and update the bot, and I document these changes and updates here.
- My Brain (to a modest extent)
- The server
- The documentation
- Chat GPT (although I do not recommend it, especially considering it is stuck before the 2.2 update of