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Using Dotenv Vault with Edgio and Nuxt.js

Learn how to make Edgio, Nuxt.js, and Dotenv Vault work together in a simple web app. This tutorial assumes you are already familiar with .env files and know how to sync them.

Initialize a Nuxt(2) App

npx create-nuxt-app edgio-dotenv-vault-nuxt-example

Install Edgio CLI

npm i -g @edgio/cli

Integrate Edgio with Nuxt(2)

edgio init

Install dotenv-vault

# Install as dep and not devDep
npm install dotenv-vault

Update nuxt.config.js to use dotenv-vault


export default {
  // Auto import components:
  components: true,
  // Modules for dev and build (recommended):
  buildModules: [["@edgio/nuxt/module", { edgioSourceMaps: true }]],

Update edgio.config.js to include .env.vault

"use strict"

module.exports = {
  connector: "@edgio/nuxt",

  // Set to true to include all packages listed in the dependencies property of package.json when deploying to Edgio.
  includeNodeModules: true,

  // Allows you to include additional resources in the bundle that is deployed to Edgio’s serverless JS workers.
  // Keys are globs, value can be a boolean or string. This is typically used to ensure that resources
  // that need to be dynamically required at runtime such as build manifests for server-side rendering
  // or other config files are present in the cloud.
  includeFiles: {
    ".env.vault": true,

Run dotenv-vault new

Open terminal, enter your project’s root directory (where you keep your .env file), and run dotenv-vault new.

npx dotenv-vault new

Note: Picked verbatim from

Run dotenv-vault login

Next, authenticate your machine by running dotenv-vault login.

npx dotenv-vault login

Note: Picked verbatim from

Push your .env to the dotenv account

Return one last time to terminal and run dotenv-vault push.

This will securely push your .env file to dotenv-vault. Each time you change your .env file, run dotenv-vault push.

npx dotenv-vault push

Congratulations 🎉, you just pushed (and secured) your first .env file in dotenv-vault.

Note: Picked verbatim from

Build the vault before running dev, build and production mode

Make sure you are logged in and in sync with your Vault first then run npx dotenv-vault build from CLI in your project root.

This will build an encrypted .env.vault file that serves as a unique identifier for your project in Dotenv.

Inside it you will find the public keys for every environment you have setup and must be committed to source.

npx dotenv-vault build

Note: Picked verbatim from

Fetch the dotenv-vault keys

With the Vault successfully built, you now can fetch the .env.vault decryption keys for each environment in the Vault project.

Running npx dotenv-vault keys production, for example, will return the production key and so will development and ci respectively.

npx dotenv-vault keys production
remote:   Listing .env.vault decryption keys... done


Note: Picked verbatim from

Okay, what just happened?

So now realize that you've created three files:

  • .env: The file containing all your secret variables that you pushed to dotenv-vault via npx dotenv-vault push. This file is not to be pushed in git commit(s).

  • That contains the key that uniquely identifies the user of the dotenv-vault project. This file is not to be pushed in git commit(s).

  • .env.vault: The file that contains the hashes to dotenv-vault's four mode: development, ci, staging and production. This file is to be pushed in git commit(s).

  • You probably still haven't realized that dotenv-vault has stages of secrets. For example, look at the gray button on the top right corner in the screenshot below that says 'development'.

dotenv-vault example repo

To get keys for the development environment, one needs to run:

npx dotenv-vault keys development
remote:   Listing .env.vault decryption keys... done


Requirements to run dotenv-vault

What you get above is what we'll be referred to as DOTENV_KEY in the guide. To ensure dotenv-vault properly, in any mode, you'd require the DOTENV_KEY environment variable set, and the .env.vault file present in the root directory.

Using dotenv-vault during edgio dev (Edgio's dev mode)

Using .env at the root directory

Create a .env in your system which contains the following:

# .env


and then run the edgio's dev mode via:

edgio dev

Setting the variable with the CLI command

DOTENV_KEY=dotenv:// edgio dev

Using dotenv-vault during edgio build (Edgio's build mode)

Using .env at the root directory

Create a .env in your system which contains the following:

# .env


and then run the edgio's build mode via:

edgio build

Setting the variable with the CLI command

DOTENV_KEY=dotenv:// edgio build

Deploy To Edgio

  • To use dotenv-vault while deploying to Edgio, if you need the variables during the build time, deploy with:
DOTENV_KEY=dotenv:// edgio deploy

else just deploy with:

edgio deploy

Using dotenv-vault during runtime (server-side)

To use the dotenv-vault during the runtime with Edgio, add an environment variable by following the guide here named DOTENV_KEY.

Example DOTENV_KEY added to Edgio's environment



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