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Things to work on, during Böltcamp

Bob den Otter edited this page Jan 21, 2014 · 3 revisions

With the work we're doing for Bolt version 2.0 we'll be focusing on two major new features:

  • A redesigned backend, using Bootstrap 3.0
  • Marketplace functionality, for easy distribution and updating of extensions and themes.

In addition to that, we'll need a new default "base 2014" theme. Preferably built in Foundation 5. There's also work to be done on open issues (both bugs as well as improvements and feature-requests)

This page will list in slightly more detail the things that we will be working on. If you'd like to join us on friday the 24th, saturday the 25th or sunday the 26th, just pick an item, get in touch and we'll discuss how to best do this without people getting in eachother's way.

If you'd like to join in, but are hesitant because you don't know how Git works, or you're not familiar with the entire codebase: We'll gladly help you get going. We can get you up to speed on where stuff is located in Bolt, or we can do a crash-course in Git.

To do

The Bolt backend

We're going to rebuild the bolt-backend in Bootstrap 3. We've considered doing it in another frontend framework like Foundation, but we've found that Bootstrap provides us with a lot of functionality out of the box. That, coupled with the fact that Bootstrap is available in Sass now, makes this a very compelling option.

There's a (very rough) mockup here:

When we're on Vlieland, we'll be discussing how things should be layed out, how they should work, and we'll get started on implementing them in HTML/CSS.

The new backend will also require additional functionality in PHP and/or Javascript. Most notably: we want to have some sort of 'omni-search' in the backend, that will make it very easy to go to a specific record, page, overview or user profile.

The Marketplace

Much more information on this can be found here: Marketplace design


We have a lot of documentation, and most of it is pretty much up to date. Most of the documentation was written by me (Bob) so it can probably improved a lot by somebody whose english is better than mine. *cough* Less dunglish. *cough*

The largest part of the documentation is for 'developers': The people who set up a Bolt website, and implement the required functionality. The documentation for 'end users' is pretty much outdated, and could use work also.

Github Issues

There are a lot of open issues in Github. A lot of these are suggestions and/or questions, and could be cleaned up. Some of them are bugs, that could be fixed. And finally, some of them are feature-requests that we should implement for Bolt 2.0. A non-exhaustive list of the things that could be picked up:

Some other (bolder) plans are listed on our Roadmap page

Code Quality

In Bolt we strive to adhere to PSR-2 coding standards. However, there's always code that can be fixed, reformatted or refactored. Even if you're not completely up to speed on the internals of the Bolt codebase, it's pretty easy to pick some of these issues, and fix them.

(TODO: add links to Scrutinizer, Sensiolabs Insight)

New translations

The Bolt backend is currently available in the following languages: de, en, es, fi, fr, nl, hu, it, nb, ru, pt.

If you're a native speaker of any of these languages or another language: Most languages need to be updated to contain the latest translated strings. New languages can be added, as a service to others speaking that language. See this page for more information on how to get started on a translation.

Base 2014 theme

We need a new default theme for standard setups for Bolt. The current one works fine, functionality-wise. However, it would be good to have a new one, that's implemented in Foundation 5. The current version still uses Foundation 3.