A Mendix module to parse various formats of decimal strings into Mendix Decimal values and back again.
Decimals can be written in a number of formats, but the built in ParseDecimal function only allows for the format associated with your locale to be parse. This module gives you the ability to parse and format decimals from other formats outside your locale.
- Decimal - The decimal in string format. e.g. '1,234.56'
- Format - the format of the decimal, usually you will just want to set this to '#,##0.0#'. See DecimalFormat for more options.
- DecimalSeparator - the character to use to represent the decimal separator. e.g. '.'
- GroupingSeparator - the character to use to represent the grouping separator. e.g ','
Returns a Mendix Decimal.
The action can throw an error if it bad values are pass to it, so remember to set error handling to catch and handle this appropriately.
- Decimal - The decimal to format. e.g. 1234.56
- Format - the format of the decimal, usually you will just want to set this to '#,##0.0#'. See DecimalFormat for more options.
- DecimalSeparator - the character to use to represent the decimal separator. e.g. '.'
- GroupingSeparator - the character to use to represent the grouping separator. e.g ','
Returns a Mendix String.
The action can throw an error if it bad values are pass to it, so remember to set error handling to catch and handle this appropriately.
The source code, examples, and unit tests can be found on https://github.com/robertprice/DecimalTools.
When exporting the module from the source make sure not to export any dependencies as there aren't any. The jar files there are used as part of the UnitTesting module.
Robert Price - Deck Chair Digital Ltd.