A collection of traversal algorithms and function metrics used in Fitness Landscape Analysis
All function metrics have been implemented for use on continuous-domain problems.
Currently all function metrics and random walk algorithms have been implemented from techniques described in Characterising Continuous Optimisation Problems for Particle Swarm Optimisation Performance Prediction by K. Malan.
The following function metrics are included:
- Dispersion
- First Entropic Measure
- Fitness Cloud Index
- Fitness Distance Correlation
- Gradient Measures (mean, max, std. deviation)
- Information Landscape
The following random walk algorithms are included:
- Simple Random Walk
- Progressive Random Walk
- Manhattan Progressive Random Walk
Function metrics are defined as the following:
type FunctionMetric[A,R] = NonEmptyList[Position[A]] => Step[A,String \/ R]
or in most cases, simply:
type SimpleFunctionMetric[A] = FunctionMetric[A,A]
The random walk algorithms have the types:
type Walk = NonEmptyList[Position[Double]]
type WalkGenerator = (NonEmptyList[Interval[Double]], Int, Double) => RVar[Walk]
Function metrics are used in the following way:
* The following example calculates dispersion for the
* spherical problem using 100 points in the domain [-10, 10]^2
val domain = Interval(-10.0, 10.0)^2
// generate list of points
val points = Position.createPositions(domain, 100)
// evaluate points and apply function metric to them
val dispersion = for {
ps <- Step.pointR(points)
solutions <- ps traverseU Step.evalP[Double]
metric <- Dispersion(.1)(solutions)
} yield metric
// create environment
val env = Environment(
cmp = Comparison dominance Min,
eval = Eval.unconstrained(Benchmarks.spherical[NonEmptyList,Double]).eval,
bounds = domain
// evaluate the metric using a time-seeded RNG
val result = dispersion.run(env) eval RNG.fromTime
Random walks can be generated in the following way:
* The following example generates a progressive random walk
* of 100 points in the domain [-10, 10]^2, using a step size
* of 1.0
val domain = Interval(-10.0, 10.0)^2
val steps = 100
val stepSize = 1.0
val progressive = RandomProgressiveWalk(domain, steps, stepSize)
val result = progressive eval RNG.fromTime