Se queres, podes empregar esta guía paso a paso para instalar o firmware no teu Escornabot Brivoi DIY.
This is the Arduino firmware to be uploaded to the Escornabot Brivoi (DIY version).
This is a fork of the orignal version pre-configured by default for this specific keypad and with some adittional fixes and new features too.
More info about the Escornabot at
This version of our ROBOteach firmware (v1.7.0-RT or later) includes a new feature long awaited, the possibility to automatically configure the keypad: tune your Escornabot to your specific [analog]keypad, and forget about it (the values will be permanently stored and retrieved during the start-up). No need to touch the source-code (if you don't want 😉).
These are the steps to configure it:
- Turn-off the Escornabot.
- While pressing any of the keypad keys, turn it on again until you start hearing the Escornabot beeping four times: this indicates that it is in the keypad configuration state.
- Now click all the keypad keys in the following order: UP, LEFT, GO, RIGHT and DOWN. You'll hear a beep everytime you press one.
- After that, you'll hear the normal start-up sound: everything is done!
If you make any mistake or anything happens during the process, don't worry, you can re-start it all over again: quick & easy.
This procedure should be done only once whith fresh batteries in place. The configuration values are stored in the EEPROM and reloaded everytime the Escornabot is turned on. Don't abuse this feature, e.g. when the baterries are low, as it won't help and may even damage the EEPROM (persistent memory), that has limited writing cycles.
First of all, you need to donwload and uncompress this firmware zip file somewhere in you computer. Then, follow one of these two alternatives:
- Download and install the Arduino IDE.
- Open the
file in theEscornabot
subfolder (inside the downloaded compressed file) with the Arduino IDE. - Choose the appropiate Board (=Arduino Nano), Processor and Port (these are specific for you and your computer) in the Tools menu, and finally click the upload button.
You'll need to install PlatformIO CLI:
pip install -U platformio
There is already a project file platformio.ini to compile and upload the firmware to the Atmel AVR platform + Arduino framework for the Arduino Nano and Arduino Micro boards.
# compile firmware and upload firmware to an Arduino Nano:
pio run -e nano -t upload
# compile firmware and upload firmware to an Arduino Micro:
pio run -e micro -t upload