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The mysql client object

Roland edited this page Sep 16, 2013 · 9 revisions

The client object is a member of the mysql object. It represents the entry point for a MySQL client API. The client object has the following members:

The version property

The following example illustrates the version property:

mysql> select js('mysql.client.version;');

The connect method

The connect method is used to open a connection to MySQL, which is encapsulated in a connection object.

The connect method takes a single argument of the object type. This argument is used to specify the properties of the connection. If the connect method succeeds, it returns a connection object which can then be used to execute queries and retrieve results. If the connect method fails, it throws an exception.

The properties for the argument to connect are:

  • host - string. Specifies the hostname (or IP-address) of the host where the MySQL server you want to connect to resides. Default value: "localhost"
  • user - string. Specifies the MySQL username for which the connection is to be established.
  • password - string. Specifies the password of the MySQL user for which the connection is to be established.
  • schema - string. the initial default schema or database name to set for the connection. Once the connection is established, the default schema can be changed with a USE <schema> statement, but typically a connection operates within one schema, and this is a convenient way to specify it.
  • socket - string. The name of the socket, in case the connection is to use a UNIX socket.
  • port - integer. The port number to use in case of a TCP/IP connection. Default value: 3306

The following example illustrates the connect method:

var connection;
try {
  connection = mysql.client.connect({
    user: "sakila",
    password: "sakila",
    schema: "sakila"
catch (e) {