Common configuration and utilities for building dotnet core presentation web applications
This package is installed via NuGet
dotnet add [<PROJECT>] package AndcultureCode.CSharp.Web
- Install Dotnet Core 2.x
- Install the
tooling found at AndcultureCode.Cli
Below are a few basics to get you started, but there are many more commands and options for managing this and other projects found in the and-cli
- Run the build command
and-cli dotnet --build
- Run the test command
and-cli dotnet-test
- Run the test command
and-cli dotnet-test --coverage
- Open the
file in your browser
- Run the publish command with the next version number (See semver package versioning)
and-cli nuget --publish <version>
Information on contributing to this repo is in the Contributing Guide
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Winton DeShong 💻 |
Brandon Scott 👀 💻 |
Said B Shah 📖 🚧 |
Jim Stevenson 👀 |
Michael Tyson 👀 |
Scott Savage 👀 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!