Docile makes it easy to store and retrieve data about DOM nodes.
With NPM
$ npm i -S docile
With Yarn
$ yarn add docile
With a CDN
<script src=""></script>
With Bower
$ bower install -S docile
<div id="foo">Foo</div>
var Docile = require("docile");
Docile.set(document.body, { example: ["a", "b"] }); // set data for DOM node (body)
Docile.get(document.body); // get data for DOM node (body)
// -> {example: ['a', 'b']}
Docile.set("foo", { bar: true }); // set data for DOM node with ID 'foo'
Docile.get(document.getElementById("foo")); // get data for DOM node (foo)
// -> {bar: true}
var fooLink ="foo"); // get linkInstance for DOM node with ID 'foo'
fooLink.set("baz", document.body); // have baz link to DOM node (body) for DOM node (foo)
fooLink.set({ yum: document.body }); // have yum link to DOM node (body) for DOM node (foo)
fooLink.get("yum"); // get the yum link for DOM node (foo)
// -> DOM Node (body)
fooLink.get(); // get all links for DOM node (foo)
// -> {baz: DOM Node (body), yum: DOM Node (body)}
fooLink.getData("yum"); // get the data for the yum link for DOM node (foo)
// -> {example: ['a', 'b']}
fooLink.getData(); // get the data for all links for DOM node (foo)
// -> {baz: {example: ['a', 'b']}, yum: {example: ['a', 'b']}}
Docile is super simple to use.
Purpose: to store information about a node
The set method accepts two parameters: a node and the data to be stored. The node can either be a DOM node, or it can be an ID to a DOM Node.
Docile.set(node, data);
Purpose: to retrieve information about a node
The get method accepts one parameter: a node. The node can either be a DOM node, or it can be an ID to a DOM Node. This method returns the value stored with the set method.
Purpose: to create a linkInstance for a node
The link method accepts one parameter: a node. The node can either be a DOM node, or it can be an ID to a DOM Node. This method returns a link instance.
var linkInstance =;
Purpose: to "link" a given node to other nodes
The set method accepts two parameters: an alias string and a node. The node can either be a DOM node, or it can be an ID to a DOM Node. To set multiple links at one time, the set method also accepts an object with aliases mapped to nodes.
linkInstance.set(alias, node);
// OR
Purpose: to retrieve "links"
The get method accepts one parameter: an alias. It returns a DOM node. If no alias is passed, then an object with aliases mapped to nodes will be returned.
// OR
Purpose: to retrieve data from "links"
The getData method accepts one parameter: an alias. It returns the data from the corresponding link. If no alias is passed, then an object with aliases mapped to data will be returned.
// OR
Docile is tested using Jasmine. The test of the minified packages is available here and the webpack package here.
Cross-browser Testing Platform and Open Source <3 Provided by Sauce Labs!
MIT (C) Russell Steadman. Learn more in the LICENSE file.
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