Good morning! Morgenbot is a Slack standup bot. ☕
Clone the repo
pip install -r requirements.txt
Host the web app on Heroku:
heroku create git push heroku master heroku ps:scale web=1 heroku logs
Set up some config variables using
heroku config:set VARIBLE=value
: a string representing your team's Slack API token. (required)USERNAME
: a string representing your bot's username. (optional; defaults to'morgenbot'
: a string representing the emoji used in the bot's icon. (optional; defaults to':coffee:'
: a string representing the channel in which you stand up. (optional; defaults to'#standup'
: a string representing a comma-separated array of strings representing active channel users who never stand up. (eg'["username1", "username2"]'
; optional; defaults to''
Add the URL where the web app is deployed as an outgoing webhook in Slack. Don't forget the trailing
! -
in your chosen channel to start a new standup. (Need help? Type!help
This project takes its inspiration from tender, a standup bot for IRC; leaned heavily on Slask for its implementation of Flask; and uses the Slack API via the Python wrapper Slacker. Thank you.
- @eelzon