- 👋 Hi, I’m @samuelmusser
- 👀 I’m interested in Star Wars, Movies, Reading, learning new skills, and hanging out with people I love.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning more about dynamic partitioning systems and the collective integration of services into large scale applications.
- 📫 My professional email is sam.musser95@gmail.com
Relevant Non-professional/Academic Projects 🏗️:
- Star Fight (80s Arcade Game w/ UI on nokia screen, Microcontroller, piezzo, & custom controller.) [Software(C)/Hardware]
- Safety Light (Senior team project, my role as software engineer networking intelligent road lights (embedded along roadlines) to road signs) [Software (C/C++)]
- Three in a Row (Electronics Lab for Electronic and Computer Engineers independent design w/ 555timers and mosfet logic to implement tic tac toe) [Hardware]
- Ski-ball Simulator (Software statistics calculator w/ ski-ball gameplay written in matlab for Prob/Stats of Random and Stochastic Processes) [Software (Matlab)]
- CPU Simulation and Data Parsing Algorithms (Writing CPU organization and prioritization programs using virtual machine on google cloud platform) [Software (C)]
- Information and Database parsing for Mesonet (using and storing weather data in lessons of abstraction and understanding to utilize Git) [Software (Java)]
- Transistor Design (development of transistors, specifically AND, NAND, NOR, XOR chips w/corresp substrates & materials w/ cygwin to use Cadence for VLSI design) [Hardware]
Relevant Courses 🎒:
- Algorithm Analysis
- Cryptography
- Computer Architecture
- Data Structures featuring C++
- Digital and Analog Circuit Design
- Digital Signals and Filtering
- Discrete Structures
- Java I-II
- Microprocessor System Design
- VLSI System Design