- Introduction
- Requirements
- Setup
- Variables
- Comments
- Coding Style
- Data types
- Checking Data Type and casting
- Conditionals
- Arrays
- Functions
- Classes
' * @Purpose: Get Corresponding sheet
' * @Param : {Workbook} Book
' {String} sheetname
' * @Return : {Worksheet} sheet
' */
This is utility module with lots of reuseable functions for VBA
- Function to get worksheet object
' * @Purpose: Get Corresponding sheet
' * @Param : {Workbook} Book
' {String} sheetname
' * @Return : Worksheet
' */
Public Function GetSheet(ByVal Book As Workbook, ByVal SheetName As String) As Worksheet
Dim sheet As Object
For Each sheet In Book.Worksheets
If sheet.Name = SheetName Then
Set GetSheet = sheet
Exit Function
End If
Set GetSheet = Nothing
End Function
- Function to get last row or column count number
' * @Purpose: Return the Last Row Or Column Number
' * @Param : {Workbook} Workbook
' {String} RowColumn
' * @Return : {Long} RowColumn
' */
Public Function GetLastRowColumn(ws As Worksheet, RowColumn As String) As Long
Dim LastRowColumn As Long
Select Case LCase(Left(RowColumn, 1)) 'If they put in 'row' or column instead of 'r' or 'c'.
Case "c"
LastRowColumn = ws.Cells.Find("*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
Case "r"
LastRowColumn = ws.Cells.Find("*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
Case Else
LastRowColumn = 1
End Select
GetLastRowColumn = LastRowColumn
End Function
- Function to get workbook
' * @Purpose: Get Corresponding workbook
' * @Param : {String} Name of workbook
' * @Return : {Workbook} Corresponding workbook if it find the workbook otherwise Nothing
' */
Public Function GetWorkbook(ByVal WorkBookName As String) As Workbook
Dim EachWorkbook As Object
If Not Trim(WorkBookName) = vbNullString Then
For Each EachWorkbook In Excel.Workbooks
If EachWorkbook.Name = WorkBookName Then
Set GetWorkbook = EachWorkbook
Exit Function
End If
Next EachWorkbook
End If
Set GetWorkbook = Nothing
End Function
- Function to find dynamic array is empty or not (source from cpearson)
' * @Purpose: Find out dynamci array allocated or not
' * @Param : {Varaint} Arr
' * @Return : {Boolean} Return True if Arr is a valid and allocted array
' */
Function IsArrayAllocated(Arr As Variant) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
IsArrayAllocated = IsArray(Arr) And _
Not IsError(LBound(Arr, 1)) And _
LBound(Arr, 1) <= UBound(Arr, 1)
End Function
- Function to check whether given file exist or not
' * @Purpose: Check whether given file exist or not
' * @Param : {String} FilePath
' * @Return : {Boolean} True if successful
' */
Public Function FileExist(FilePath As String) As Boolean
Dim GetFile As String
Dim FileExistResult As Boolean
GetFile = Dir(FilePath)
If GetFile <> "" Then
FileExistResult = True
End If
FileExist = FileExistResult
End Function
- Function to check whether input is valid or not
' * @Purpose: Check whether TextBox is valid or not
' * @Param : {String} ctrlName *Optional
' * @Return : Nothing
' */
Public Sub ValidateForm(Optional ctrlName As String)
Dim ctrl As Object
Dim ControlName As String
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" Then
ControlName = IIf(ctrlName <> "", ctrlName, ctrl.ControlName)
If IsNull(ctrl.Value) Then
MsgBox ControlName & "に入力してから実行してください。"
End If
End If
Next ctrl
End Sub
- Function to find whether Userform is existed or not
' * @Purpose: Find whether Userform is existed or not
' * @Param : {String} userform name
' * @Return : {Boolean} True if userform is exist
' * @References: 'http://custom-designed-databases.com/wordpress/2011/ms-access-vba-does-form-exist-function/
' */
Function isFormLoaded(formName As String) As Boolean
Dim retVal As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
retVal = CurrentProject.AllForms.Item(formName).IsLoaded
retVal = (CurrentProject.AllForms.Item(formName).CurrentView = acCurViewDatasheet Or CurrentProject.AllForms.Item(formName).CurrentView = acCurViewFormBrowse)
isFormLoaded = retVal
GoTo ExitRoutine
If Err.Number = 2467 Then
retVal = False
' Debug.Print “Form is not loaded or does not exist”
End If
isFormLoaded = retVal
End Function