#Find Yo Passion
Find Yo Passion is an interactive web application designed to help users identify potential career paths based on their interests and preferences. The application consists of a landing page with a "Get Started" button, which takes the user to an interactive questionnaire that asks 5 questions and provides 4 multiple-choice answers for each question.
After the user has completed the questionnaire, the application processes the user's answers and recommends 3 potential career paths based on the options that the user selected. Once the user selects a career path, an AI-based model is run to suggest the top 2 books to read, 2 top colleges to consider applying to, and 2 top TEDX talks to watch that are relevant to the chosen career path.
To use Find Yo Passion, simply navigate to the landing page and click the "Get Started" button. You will be taken to an interactive questionnaire that asks 5 questions about your interests and preferences. Once you have completed the questionnaire, the application will provide you with 3 potential career paths based on your answers.
To explore a career path further, simply select one of the recommended paths and the application will provide you with the top 2 books to read, 2 top colleges to consider applying to, and 2 top TEDX talks to watch that are relevant to the chosen career path.
Find Yo Passion is a web-based application that requires an internet connection and a modern web browser.
HTML/CSS/JavaScript Flask Python Tensorflow Contributing Contributions to Find Yo Passion are welcome and encouraged! If you would like to contribute to the project, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.
Find Yo Passion is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.
Special thanks to the developers and contributors of the libraries and frameworks used in this project, as well as the open-source community for their invaluable contributions to the field of data science and machine learning.
The webapp was deployed using Google Apps Scripts and can be accessed with the link given below. https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbw9DoxsS6EUrRvJzhlucua7Cs9ZzV_OtDc9aw7CsM5CeDNHLaehH9t_yQ8r8jR9QPJbUA/exec