1.User Input, gettting an integer n from user.Currently no upper limit validation added but tested with max 20000 as per requirement specification
2.Prime Evaluation and generating a bitset of first n prime numbers
3.Generating the multiplication table
4.Display of the multiplication table -In this for n< 100 will display in console output as well as generate json files For n>100 will generate json for each prime.
1.Clone the application from git using git clone https://github.com/sayandigital/find.git
2.Goto the find folder based on the location cloned. Eg- cd ~/find
3.Run the command: gradle clean
4.Run the command: gradle fatJar
5.The jar will be created in the build/libs folder.
6.Create a folder for the json files
mkdir -p /Users/sayandigital/Downloads/prime/
7.Run the jar with json generation path directory:
java -jar build/libs/java-find-primes-all-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /Users/sayandigital/Downloads/prime/
8.Follow the user input instructions.
Enter the number of primes
May 22, 2019 6:27:08 PM past.FindPrimes generatePrimeMultiplicationTable
INFO: Prime numbers bit generation done0
May 22, 2019 6:27:08 PM past.DisplayPrimes displayPrimes
INFO: Bit Length12
{2, 3, 5, 7, 11}
May 22, 2019 6:27:09 PM past.FindPrimes generatePrimeMultiplicationTable
INFO: Prime generation display done-247
May 22, 2019 6:27:09 PM past.FindPrimes main
INFO: Time taken in millis-284