1. Epidemic dynamics in different countries. Estimations of the the starting date, first wave peaks and relative contributions of subpopulations with different clinical profiles to the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico
(Herrera-Nolasco CI, Herrera-Valdez MA, In preparation)
(a) Estimating the starting time and peak of the COVID-19 epidemic in Mexico
(b) Phase portrait dynamics in different countries from global COVID-19 data
(Herrera-Nolasco CI, Herrera-McKiernan AJ, Herrera-McKiernan EA, O'Reilly-Regueiro E, Herrera-Valdez MA, In preparation)
(a) Delay and CFR analysis of case, death, and recovery reports from around the world. Illustrating figures.
Inference of death cases for Mexico
(Created: MAHV, 20200301. Last modified: MAHV, 20200426)