Team Name: Monopoly Masters
Team members: Justin Schaumberger, Kerri Palphreyman, Andrew Lee, Ashlyn Ramos
Project: Our project is to create a working Monopoly project that can connect through IP to other computers. The game functionality includes connecting with a player name, buying properties, going to Jail, rolling dice to move, paying rent, managing a balance, and community chest and chance cards. The game uses JavaFX and the MVC design to create the gooey. The gooey shows the board, player log, and characters on the board.
Package Structure: In our src, we have our Game package, MVC package, and Networking package. src: Game Package: Cards Package: Card - Constructor for a base card (either community chest or chance) Chance Card - Extends card and contains a constructor method for the card. Chance Deck - Initializes the deck and adds all the chance cards to the deck and shuffles the cards. Community Chest Card - Extends card and contains a constructor method for the card. Community Chest Deck - Initializes the deck and adds all the community chest cards to the deck and shuffles the cards. Deck - Abstract class with a constructor method, abstract init() method, draw method, and shuffle method Spaces package: [I]Buyable - Contains getCost, getOwner, buyProperty Chance - constructor for a Chance space Community Chest - constructor for a Community Chest space Free Parking Space - constructor for a Free Parking Space GoSpace - constructor for the GO space GoToJailSpace - constructor for the GoToJailSpace JailSpace - constructor for the Jail space Property - constructor for a default property space PropertyColor - initializes the property color Railroads - constructor for a railroad space Space - Abstract class for a space Tax - constructor for the tax space Utilities - Constructor for the utilities space Board - Contains the constructor method for the Board object containing all the different property spaces (utilities, tax, properties, railraods, etc.) Character - Contains the constructor method for the Character object containing all the attributes of a player (numHouses, balance, position, name, etc.) Dice - Contains the constructor method for the Dice containing the ability to roll the dice and get the rolls Game - Contains the constructor method for the Game object containing a list of players (Character objects), the Board object, and current player MVC: Controller: BoardController - Class that creates board popups and buttons BuyPropertyController - Class that handles buying a property and updating the board DiceController - Class that handles rolling the dice and running the turn EndTurnController - Class that handles ending a players turn MainController - Creates instances of all the other controller classes Model: GameLog - Generates the game log and adds phrases to the log MonopolyModel - contains the running game object, player list, and methods to interact with each space. View: BoardView - Creates the board and all the correct spaces CardsView - Adds community chest and chance cards to the deck CharacterView - Creates the character objects and places them on the board, also handles moving players and updating their visual on the board DiceAnimation - Creates the animation for the dice DiceView - Creates the dice and the corresponding visual on the board EndTurnView - Ends the current players turn LogView - Creates and adds the log object MainView - contains all other views and sets up the scene PropertyView - Contains the buy property button and its methods Networking: client: Client - Creates a player in a client to play with others ClientApplication - Runs the game as a client server: ClientThread - Thread class for the client Server - The Server that handles multiplayer ServerApplication - Runs the game as a host SerializableColor - Converts JavaFX color to an object that can be sent over ObjectStreams SerializableObservableList - Stores an ObservableList as a Serializable so it can be sent through ObjectStreams TurnState - Constants representing player state in them
Java Libraries Used: javafx.scene.paint.Color javafx.scene.paint.Paint java.util.ArrayList java.util.Comparator javafx.geometry.Pos javafx.scene.Scene javafx.scene.control.Label javafx.scene.layout.VBox javafx.scene.text.Text javafx.stage.Stage javafx.collections.FXCollections javafx.collections.ObservableList javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle javafx.scene.text.Font javafx.scene.text.FontWeight javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment java.util.List javafx.scene.shape.Circle javafx.animation.RotateTransition javafx.scene.layout.StackPane javafx.util.Duration javafx.scene.control.Button javafx.scene.control.ListView javafx.scene.layout.GridPane javafx.application.Platform javafx.geometry.Insets javafx.application.Application javafx.event.ActionEvent javafx.event.EventHandler
Instructions to run and compile: