Cyber range is macOS automated evidence collection and detection system for companies to assess red team attacks.
Simply cloning the project.
git clone
- Python 3.6+
- VMware Fusion 11+
In order to successfully run the cyber range, you need to setup a macOS 10.15 environment using VMware Fusion.
The following are the properties of task file:
"id": string (identifier for the task),
"name": string (name or alias for the task),
"vm": string (absoluate path to the .vmx file),
"collector": string (absolute path to macOSCollector porject root),
"monitor": string (absolute path to macOSMonitor project root),
"snapshot": string (name of target snapshot),
"user_name": string (user permission account name),
"user_password": string (user permission account password),
"root_password": string (root permission password),
"files": [ (file mapping)
"source": string (host's absolute path to the source file),
"target": string (guest's absolute path to the target file)
"commands": [ (series of commands execution)
"command": string (command to execute),
"permission": string ("root" or "user" permission)
"time": string (number in string to indicate the monitoring duration)
For more task file example, you can check inside ./example
python3 --task path_to_task_file
In rule.json
, you can add the detection rule to each technique.
The following properties are allowed to do so:
"id": ...,
"name": ...,
"detection": [
"evidence": string (name of evidence),
"tool": string (name of tool),
"source": array[string] (relative path of detecing file, and wildcard is avaiable),
"pattern": [
"key": string,
"has": array[string]
"and": [ (and condition)
"key": string,
"has": array[string]
"key": string,
"has": array[string]
In filter.json
, you can filter the duplicated entry during before & after comparison.
The following properties are allowed to do so:
"path": string (relative path to the artifact file, and wildcard is available),
"ignore": array[string] (the key to ignore)