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Efficent Fibonacci algorithms in C#. Comparison between "Simple Recursive", "Dynamic Programming approach" and "TailRecursive"


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C# Efficient calculation of Fibonacci series (algorithms performance comparison)

Project Cover


In this examples I used Fibonacci series calculation to compare 3 algorithms types:

This can be used for many proposals and algorithms. As you can see in this project, there are a huge performance difference between these algorithms.

What does this application do?

  • When this app starts, the Main() method is called automatically by dotnet.

  • The app prints Fibonacci number using 3 different algorithms showing execution times and loop count for each one.

  • This comparison is made for Fib(42) until Fib(38) in descending order to proove that Dynamic programming algorithm is the fastest after first call.

    App runing

Stack and main topics in the project

  • .NET 6.0 console application

    • C#
    • Console output
    • Simple Recursive Algorithm (the worst)
    • Flat Dynamic programming Algorithm with memoization
    • Tail Recursive Algorithm without memoization
  • Docker

    • docker build
    • docker run
    • docker container bash interaction (from docker's host shell)

About the Author and license

How to run this project

Clone the repository

If you already installed Git for Windows, run commands below:

git clone
cd dotnet-fibonacci-performance-methods

How to run this project in Docker containers

If you already installed Docker Desktop, just follow these steps below

Creating a docker image

To create a Docker image, run command line below in the command prompt of project directory:

docker build -t dotnet-fibonacci-performance-methods -f Dockerfile .

Running the app in a docker container

container running

To run the image in Docker container and interact with it, run command line below:

docker run -it --name=dotnet-fibonacci-performance-methods --restart=unless-stopped dotnet-fibonacci-performance-methods

To stop the container, run command line below:

docker stop dotnet-fibonacci-performance-methods

To remove the container (even if it is running), run command line below:

docker rm --force dotnet-fibonacci-performance-methods

How to build and run without Docker (Windows)

After clone the repository you can open the project with Visual Studio. Build or just debug it pressing F5.

To compile and run it in Windows (Visual Studio required)

Open the solution file dotnet-fibonacci-performance-methods.sln with your Visual Studio, then press F5 to run the project!


  • The simple, recursive and intuitive Fibonacci function is the slowest way to return Fibonacci number (exponential interaction count)
  • Dynamic Programming approach uses the previously calculated values to return quickly the result.
  • Dotnet apps (console or not) can run in Linux or Windows OS.
  • Docker is a nice tool to run projects quickly without concern about dependencies and configurations.
  • C# is very similar to other ECMA-based languages (Java, Javascript etc.)
  • Console apps are simple and easy to input and output data.
  • Good Markdown files can help other developers to understand, clone, run and test projects.

Homework challenge

using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

  1. Implement the [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveOptimization)] attribute before the function CalculateFibonacciSimpleMethod() and compare duration after rebuild. Read this article
  2. Try to implement cache in Fibonacci functions to return from cache if it was requested before. You can do it using Redis, Memcached, System.Runtime.Caching/MemoryCache or other distributed Cache solution. See these examples.
  3. Replace the duration calc method for:
    Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
    TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed;
  4. Inspect the Dockerfile content to see how docker pulls imagens from images's hub
  5. Try to create a WebAPI and implement an endpoint to return Fibonacci calculations in a GET endpoint like