CAUTION: This library is directly integrated in Sferes2, so you don't need to add this library as an additional module anymore.
A sferes2 module for modular Quality-Diversity algorithm.
- Antoine Cully
This new framework is based on the existing MAP-Elites module for sferes2 ( Therefore, many thanks to its authors:
- Jean-Baptiste Mouret
- Danesh Tarapore
- Cully, A. & Demiris, Y. (2016). Quality and Diversity Optimization: A Unifying Modular Framework. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (under review).
First you need to install Sferes2 ( as Modular_QD is module for this framework.
cd /your/workspace/folder/
git clone
At the same location, you can clone the Modular_qd repository:
git clone
In order to link Sferes with the Modular_QD, we need to create a symbolic link:
cd sferes2/exp/
ln -s ../../../modular_QD ./
The configuration of Sferes can then include the additional requirements for Modular_QD:
cd - #back to sferes root folder
./waf configure --cpp14=yes --exp modular_QD
Experimental scenarios using the physical simulator Robdyn will need additional configurations, for instance:
./waf configure --cpp14=yes --exp modular_QD --simu /location/of/simulation --robdyn /location/of/robdyn --controller /location/of/the/hexapod/controller
for more detail, please refer to these repositories:
After the configuration, the experiments can directly be compiled with:
./waf --exp modular_QD
This command will compile all the scenrios and variants defined in exp/modular_QD/wscript
. This may represent a long compilation time.
To specify which scenario needs to be compile, you can use this command:
./waf --exp modular_QD --target name_of_my_scenario_and_variant
For instance, if you want to quickly test the library, you can do:
./waf --exp modular_QD --target test_qd
As another example, if you want to compile the "scenario_arm" with the "Grid" container and the "Random" selection operator (this configuration corresponds to the MAP_Elites algorithms), you can use this command:
./waf --exp modular_QD --target scenario_arm_grid_random
The binary are located in the "build" folder. For instance, in order to run the previously compiled scenario:
You can add you own scenario in the 'exp/modular_QD/wscript' script and call compile them with the commands introduced in the previous section.