this is simple web app and API to let users to upload a file anonymusly to an e-mail. you do not need any credential like singup/loging and other time killer stuff. just select your file and put the reciver e-mail address.
why this can be helpfull? sometime you want to send some data to a special person/place who you prefer to not tell your identifications, then this app make you a phantom 👻
there is two way
use the web app. open up the web app with your browser.
use curl!
curl -L -F file='@path/2/file'
2.1. if you are teminal lover :) then you can use it like this to send a bunch of files tar -cf - /path/2/files | curl -L -F file='@-'
well you need to compile it with tsc and then run it on your server or just use the docker version
this section will be complited.
- readme.
- recive multiple files
- validate e-mail
- create docker