The hard time development project in my past company. All confidential parts are removed and rewritten.
The project contains some namespaces for following purposes
detour: Method detours for DirectX, kernel32 and user32 API references
hook: The detoured method implementation
injector: Exported API for process injection, and assembly image operation
So far the project is a test/demo window for overlay presenter
Search //TODO
or //DEBUG
reminds me what should I do next
The library and method injection is referenced from Microsoft research program Detours, there has useful process related knowledge on Windows system.
Default place of detours.h file for this project is at /detours/include/
Build static library file detours.lib, copy x64 arch to /detours/lib.X64/ and x86 arch to /detours/lib.X86/
Look into detour namespace and source files at overlay presenter project for more details.
Windows dll and memory injection - Blackbone