Time: 3 weeks
Team: 1
Language: C
The goal of this project is to create a FTP server. You MUST implement the given protocol (bonuses must be RFC959 compliant). You MUST implement request sequences that are explained in the protocol (more information could befind in RFC959).The network communication will be achieved through the use of TCP sockets.
>> make
>> ./myftp –help
USAGE: ./myftp port path
port the port number on which the server socket listens
path the path to the home directory for the Anonymous user
The server MUST be able to handle several clients at the same time by using select
for command manage-ment and fork
for data transfer.
The server MUST have an authentication with an Anonymous account and an empty password. Data transfers MUST use active or passive mode.
>> make tests_run
other rules:
make fclean
,make clean
,make re
Author Corentin COUTRET-ROZET