- Responsive Desgin.
- select/Booking Rooms, Apartments , Resorts, Cabins from different parts from the world.
- chossing Date (how many days to will stay), Location , How man children do you have for perfect room.
- Filterling and seaching for perfect Room inside the country you choose.
- Room Reivew With Picture and Description and total Price.
- Room Reservation by Email , Selected date ,Number of Room and Name of Hotel or Resort.
- Admin DashBoard for CRUD operation (users, Rooms, Admins, Reserved rooms).
- Admin Authentication , App Authentication (for normal users).
- Context APi.
- Update, Create , Get , Get All , Delete database through Admin Dashboard.
- adminDashboard data analysis visualization for each month of total revenue income from Reserved rooms.
Select Country , Date , indiefy Number of Family/Rooms and Filtering / Seaching Through Results through REST Api
Admin DashBoard To determine the monthly income from booking hotel rooms and CRUD operation of Database
1- make .env in Api file
- SECRET_KEY for Password Hashing (encrypted Password)
- make a mongodb account and use your Api (for database access) in .env MONGO_URL for MongoDb
- JWT_SECRET for web tokens
2 - make Cloudinary account for media cloud Database for Admin file
3- go each file Admin, Api , Client
npm install && npm start