Table of Contents
The Weather App is a user-friendly web application that provides real-time weather information for any location, helping users stay informed about current weather conditions.
The vanilla js Weather App is a web application that provides real-time weather information for any location worldwide
The Weather App leverages the WeatherAPI to fetch real-time weather data for the specified location. It provides essential weather details such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and more. This app allowing users to stay informed about the weather conditions in their desired location.
-Real-time weather data updates -Location-based weather information -Easy-to-use search functionality -Detailed weather condition descriptions
Click here to view the project
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory: cd weather-app
Open the index.html file in your web browser
Enter the name of a place in the search box and press the "Search" button or press Enter to view the current weather information for that location.
This project showcases the use of various technologies and skills, including:
DOM Manipulation: Used to update the UI with weather data dynamically.
Asynchronous Progarmming: Used for making asynchronous HTTP requests to fetch weather data.
Error Handling: Implemented to manage and display errors if the network response is not successful.
Event Handling: Used to handle user interactions such as clicking a button or pressing Enter in the search box.
API Intigration: Integrated the WeatherAPI to fetch real-time weather data and API for location suggestions.
Git: Used for version control and collaboration, allowing for easy sharing and updating of the project code.
This project is maintained by [Shivam Shende].
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to make changes. You can create a pull request with your changes.
For inquiries, suggestions, or collaboration opportunities, feel free to reach out to the author:
- Your Name: Shivam Shende
- GitHub:
- Email:
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.
The MIT License is a permissive open-source license that allows you to freely use, modify, and distribute this software, subject to the conditions stated in the LICENSE file.
Thank you for adhering to the terms of the license!