We will analyze and visualize the results of the national election 2019 in Austria.
Visualization here. For more information please look at the presentation.
- Verwaltungsgrenzen Österreich
- Nationalratswahl results 2013
- Nationalratswahl results 2017
- Nationalratswahl results 2019
- Austrian Electoral districts (Wahlkreiseinteilung)
- Add Wahlkarten
- Make graphics more user mobile-friendly
- Compare more years
- Compare Austrian presidential elections to US presidential elections
- Check how many votes the winning party could lose and still govern alone (50% + 1) and/or change the constitution on their own (66,67%).
- Bar plot: make extra bars for each small party
- Sum Up similar leaning parties (LEFT vs RIGHT)
- make transitions for pie chart
- link graphics in text
- Add slider to pie chart
- Change to Bootstrap
- Make header sticky
- Check if all values are correct
- Precalculate some results so they do not have to be calculated again.
This project was created for the course Informationsvisualisierung at TU Wien. It received the Best Assignment Award.