I am a mid-level FullStack .NET engineer who works with web, mobile and desktop apps. This Github page, however, is a list of projects I managed to work on outside of work. My current main goal is to improve my game development skills and make Indie games part-time
- SuperPong : An Arcade pong game with powerups and mini games
C# games:
Smart_TicTakToe : TicTakToe with PC
Evil_Hangman : Hangman game that cheats
Wordle-WPF : Simple wordle implementation
Snakey : Snake game in c# console
Java games:
- Car-racing : Multiplayer racing game in Java
Python Games:
C++/CLR games:
- SnakeGame : Snake game implementation in CLR
ConsoleImageViewer : ASCII photo viewer
DictionarySearch : Console tool for searching through the english dictionary
Cmd.net : Independent command prompt alternative
Windows Forms:
GifMaker : Tool for making sprites/GIFs
SimpleWebBrowser : A simple web browser
GraphProg : Graphic processor
Piko : Picture Viewer
SpriteMaker : Tool for making rotated copies of an image
NotepadX : Notepad replacement
Thothi : A PDF scraper
FineSearch : Tool for searching filesystems for files
JSharp_IDE : Java IDE that can be used as a code editor
ExplorerX : Windows explorer replacement
LockBox : Password manager
- Clothes4Men : Clothing store
- artim: Website that allows users find artisans
Javascript (No framework):
- Uk_Skilled_worker_scanner: A little minimalistic web tool that allows the user search through the UK skilled worker CSV file
Javascript (Node.js or Deno.js):
- GameRev_API : Backend for a game review app in flutter
- BookStore : Backend for a bookstore website
- Simple URL Shortener : Backend for a simple URL shortner
Azure Functions
- DataDock_Functions : API in Azure functions that stores files in blob storage
CIFAR10-Identifier : TensorFlow-based CIFAR-10 Identifier.
Maze Pathfinder : Maze path finding
- GameRev : Game review app built in Flutter.
- TextSearch : Tool for analysisng text files
- InsertionSort : Insertion sort implementation in x86 assembly and MIPS