This template-cloudformation-faktory.yaml will deploy the follwing resources
- Application load balancer for accesing
faktory UI on Port 80
which maps toport 7420
on the conatiner - Network Load Balancer to access
tcp Endpoint on 7419
which maps to same port on the container - ECS Cluster
- ECS Service
- ECS Task Definition
- and other peripheral resources like security groups, elb listener for application and network load balancer, elb target groups for tcp endpoint for NLB and htpp endpoint for ALB, security groups for alb, ecs and efs, ingress and egress rules for security groups, mount points for EFS, scaling policy and scaling target for ECS
This template creates internal load balancers if you want your factory on a internet facing load balancer. just change the scheme type
from Scheme: "internal"
to Scheme: "internet-facing"
for load balancers
For Faktory information Faktory
For docker image information Docker Hub