#React Testing Performance Benchmark
##Description This is a sample project to benchmark the performance differences between running unit tests between jest and mocha. I have implemented the same sum function 3 times and the same react component 3 times. This was done to minimize any caching each framework may utilize. In the real world the same test would not be run several times.
##System Setup Jest is not compatible with node 0.12: jestjs/jest#243 See package.json for version information.
###Jest Setup A standard jest setup that used babel-jest to compile jsx and es6 before the tests are run.
"jest": {
"scriptPreprocessor": "node_modules/babel-jest",
"unmockedModulePathPatterns": [
"testFileExtensions": [
"moduleFileExtensions": [
###Mocha Setup This is a standard setup using chai for assertions and jsdom to moch the dom.
mocha -R list --compilers js:babel/register
##Usage To run the tests
#jest tests
npm run jest
#mocha tests
npm run mocha