Synthesis of rigorous floating-point predicates
The tool is implemented as a python library in a single file
To synthesize the program which calculate an input expression in floating-point arithmetic together with its error-bound, we create a python program with the following structure and run it directly with python:
import FPSynLib as FPS
from sympy import * #input variables# = symbols('#list of variables' name#')
expression = #sympy expression#
errorexpression = FPS.FPSynthesis(expression,#expression name#)
For example:
import FPSynLib as FPS
from sympy import *
ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy =symbols('ax ay bx by cx cy')
FPSyn will create a folder with the same name as the expression and three files in it
- The expressionname _FPSyn.txt file: The final output function of FPSynth in C language
- The expressionname _program.txt file: The output function of FPSynth in C language, in which the right-hand-side of all assignments consist of one operation.
- The expressionname _report.txt file: Record the results of all steps that FPSynth synthesizes the output.