🥇 solutionDrive coding standard configuration.
Install this package:
$ composer require --dev solutiondrive/coding-standard
Include a configuration file in your
:imports: - { resource: 'vendor/solutiondrive/coding-standard/easy-coding-standard.yml' }
To create the phar, you need to install humbug/box
(The global composer bin path needs to be available in $PATH)
composer global require humbug/box
Install the dependencies
composer install --optimize-autoloader -n
Create the phar file
box build -c box.json
Perhaps it is necessary to allow php to create a phar
php -d phar.readonly=0 ~/.composer/vendor/bin/box build -c box.json
The newly created phar file can be used just like the ecs
binary is used:
ecs-standalone.phar --help